What factual data can javascript easily turn into Squiffy attributes?
27 Aug 2020, 05:49I just stumbled on an easy way to turn the local date and time into Squiffy attributes:
[[Calculate the Date]]:
squiffy.set("longdate", new Date());
squiffy.set("date", new Date().toDateString());
squiffy.set("year", new Date().getFullYear());
squiffy.set("jmonth", new Date().getMonth());
squiffy.set("datenum", new Date().getDate());
squiffy.set("wkdynum", new Date().getDay());
squiffy.set("milhour", new Date().getHours());
squiffy.set("minutes", new Date().getMinutes());
{@hour=@milhour}{if milhour>12:{@hour-=12}} //Turns military time into 12 hour AM/PM time.
{if milhour< 12:{@AMPM=AM}} {if milhour> 11:{@AMPM=PM}} //Tells Squiffy when to use AM or PM
{if minutes<10:{@0=0}}{else:{@0=}} //Puts a zero in front of minutes less than 10
{@month=@jmonth}{@month+=1} //Changes January from month number 0 to month number 1
{if month=1:{@Month=January}}{if month=2:{@Month=February}}{if month=3:{@Month=March}}{if month=4:{@Month=April}}{if month=5:{@Month=May}}{if month=6:{@Month=June}}{if month=7:{@Month=July}}{if month=8:{@Month=August}}{if month=9:{@Month=September}}{if month=10:{@Month=October}}{if month=11:{@Month=November}}{if month=12:{@Month=December}} //Tells Squiffy the name for each month number (January - December).
{if wkdynum=1:{@xday=Monday}}{if wkdynum=2:{@xday=Tuesday}}{if wkdynum=3:{@xday=Wednesday}}{if wkdynum=4:{@xday=Thursday}}{if wkdynum=5:{@xday=Friday}}{if wkdynum=6:{@xday=Saturday}}{if wkdynum=7:{@xday=Sunday}} //Tells Squiffy the name of each numbered day (Monday to Sunday).
{if datenum=1:{@th=st}}{if datenum=21:{@th=st}}{if datenum=31:{@th=st}}
{if datenum=2:{@th=nd}}{if datenum=22:{@th=nd}}
{if datenum=3:{@th=rd}}{if datenum=23:{@th=rd}}
{if datenum<>1:{if datenum<>21:{if datenum<>31:{if datenum<>2:{if datenum<>22:{if datenum<>3:{if datenum<>23:{@th=th}}}}}}}} //Tells Squiffy how to do ordinals (1st, 21st, 31st, etc, 2nd, 22nd, 3rd, 23rd).
[[Todays Date]]
[[Todays Date]]:
{Month} ({month})
{xday} ({wkdynum})
{hour}:{0}{minutes} {AMPM}
It's {hour}:{0}{minutes} {AMPM} on {xday}, {Month} {datenum}{th}, {year}.
So what other factual data can javascript get from the internet and teach Squiffy? Anybody know?
27 Aug 2020, 09:35With the geolocation api of HTML5 you can determine the location of the player and then e.g. integrate the current weather there in the game
04 Sept 2020, 07:54Wow, Pertex! That sounds very cool. You wouldn't happen to have a code sample, would you?
07 Sept 2020, 05:38Sorry, but I do not work with Squiffy or Javascript