Squiffy Reference(s)

13 Nov 2024, 22:44


Squiffy reference

This document mostly mirrors the structure of the official documentation but is one long document which is nonetheless much more navigable, with the ability to fold and unfold sections, etc. You can fold and unfold any section by clicking on the dot to the left of that section's title. You can also search with Ctrl-F.

I can't find the original post by loopernow, but I posted this link back in 2021.

I wonder if all this is up to date? (I'm from the Quest side of town. I've used Squiffy, but not lately.)

17 Nov 2024, 23:27

loopernow was such a big help after story10 and manowar updated {if:}. loopernow has not updated any of mrangel's improvements such as the master section, random @ributes, and redefining @ributes.

18 Nov 2024, 05:19

Thanks. I plan to see what I might get up to in Squiffy one day soon. Now I know to come here and search for "mrangel" for the extended documentation, hehehe.

18 Nov 2024, 23:19

No need. It's here. This was the only place to manually get the latest versions before The Creator once again made his countenance shine upon us.

18 Nov 2024, 23:43


So, if someone were to drop the link to the official Squiffy docs, here, too, this thread would be a veritable cornucopia of Squiffy knowledge.

squiffy /skwĭf′ē//skwĭf′ē/


  1. Intoxicated; drunk.
  2. Somewhat intoxicated; tipsy.
    Similar: tipsy
  3. Slightly drunk or intoxicated; tipsy.
  4. Crooked, askew; awry.
  5. Very drunk.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition • More at Wordnik