Integer Division

25 Mar 2020, 15:58

I am absolutely terrible at math so I'm not even sure this is the correct term. What I am trying to do is to divide a number and only get the quotient, not the remainder

    window.randomnumber = function(min, max) {
      return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max + 1 - min)) + min;

    @set baseMANA = 9
    @set MANA = 2



    set ("MANA_regen_roll", randomnumber(1,100));

MANA_regen_roll = {MANA_regen_roll}


MANA_regen = {MANA_regen}



Here for example, if MANA_regen_roll = 68, the MANA regenerated will be something stupid like 0.1323529411764706
I would much rather it was rounded to 1

25 Mar 2020, 17:51

I don't know Squiffy, but you can probably use the javascript functions Math.floor or Math.ceiling to round a number to the integer part. "floor" rounds down (taking the integer part and discarding the remainder), while "ceiling" rounds up. I notice that your randomnumber function already uses Math.floor; otherwise it would return a random number anywhere from 1.00000… to 100.99999…

25 Mar 2020, 18:48

How would one use this function? I have very little experience in Javascript, and found a few examples online giving very simple examples such as:

var a = Math.ceil(0.60);

Here's how I instinctively tried to integrate it (again with nearly 0 knowledge of javascript):

    set ("MANA", Math.ceiling(MANA));

Just before the last line in my first post.

Thanks for the help!

26 Mar 2020, 13:18

Maybe an easier solution is if there is an operation similar to %= in squiffy that I'm not aware of?

26 Mar 2020, 21:35

All right, update!
I used what little brain I have to try to find a solution on my own, and while it's not ideal yet, it technically works ^_^

Here's the new code, and I'll explain what I don't like about it:

    window.randomnumber = function(min, max) {
      return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max + 1 - min)) + min;

    window.ceiling = function(hehe) {
      return Math.ceil(hehe);

    @set baseMANA = 250
    @set MANA = 0

    set ("MANA_regen_roll", randomnumber(1,100));

MANA_regen_roll = {MANA_regen_roll}



    var eh = squiffy.get("MANA_regen_calc")
    set ("MANA_regen", ceiling(eh));



Now, the "problem" I have with this is due to the fact that in squiffy all javascript code has to be at the beginning of a section, you can't place it between squiffy code (otherwise it'll just return as plain text, even with the indentation), which is why I have a continue link (+++ye) which I don't really like.

If anyone has an idea how to make this work in one section, I'd be happy to hear it. Otherwise I can perfectly work with this, thanks again @mrangel for pointing me in the right direction!

27 Mar 2020, 00:36

I don't know Squiffy, and it's hard to tell why you're using so many temporary variables. Wouldn't a single block of javascript work?

    window.randomnumber = function(min, max) {
      return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max + 1 - min)) + min;

    @set baseMANA = 250
    @set MANA = 0

    var mana_regen_roll = randomnumber (1, 100);
    set ("MANA_regen_roll", mana_regen_roll);
    var mana_regen_calc = mana_regen_roll;
    mana_regen_calc *= squiffy.get("baseMANA");
    mana_regen_calc /= 100;
    mana_regen_calc = Math.ceil (mana_regen_calc);
    set ("MANA_regen", mana_regen_calc);


MANA_regen_roll = {MANA_regen_roll}


or even:

    window.randomnumber = function(min, max) {
      return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max + 1 - min)) + min;

    @set baseMANA = 250
    @set MANA = 0

    var mana_regen_roll = randomnumber (1, 100);
    set ("MANA_regen_roll", mana_regen_roll);

    var mana_regen = Math.ceil(squiffy.get("baseMANA") * mana_regen_roll / 100);
    set ("MANA", squiffy.get ("MANA") + mana_regen);

MANA_regen_roll = {MANA_regen_roll}


27 Mar 2020, 15:04

I guess I was too scared to use so much js since I have very little knowledge in it (and coding in general), but your second script works fantastic!

Thank you so much for your help, which even gave me a better understanding of how javascript works! (now I guess the next step is to actually learn how to code in it :P )