Nesting If Statements
11 Jun 2018, 07:22hello! beginner here,, this is fairly simple, but i'm wondering why the return is, "Oh Null" B(
@set met=0;
@set gender=female
Hi there! I see you are {gender}! Take a look around the room!
[left], [right]
@set met=1;
oh.. hi i'm lucas..
Oh! {if met=0:{@gender=female: Hi there!}}{else met=1:{gender=female: aww..}}```
If you've found a good way to use this with the seen option please tell, both just don't seem to work for me B(
11 Jun 2018, 08:02Hello.
You have some indentation issues, and some syntax errors, and you can't check a condition in your else statement. It's just "else", not "else if".
Try this (you don't indent for JS when using @set
@set met=0
@set gender=female
Hi there! I see you are {gender}! Take a look around the room!
[left], [right]
@set met=1
oh.. hi i'm lucas..
Oh! {if met=0:Hi there!{@gender=female}}{else:{if met=1:aww..{@gender=female}}}