Some Squiffy Questions
Brandon 10
10 Dec 2016, 04:41Ello all. I'm currently working on a Squiffy game designed like a game book (at least, I think it is) and I had a few questions about some things that I am working on. I have only been using it for a couple of days so far so I don't know all of it but I have been reading up on the documentation in order to get a better understanding.
So in my game, there's a main menu area for selecting different episodes/chapters. I noticed that by clicking on one of the passage links would open the passage but make the link inactive for later use. Is there a way to make it so that despite clicking on the link, you still can afterwards?
I also noticed that there are continue links used in squiffy but is there a way to transition between dialogue/text without having the player click on it, like having timed scenes? For example:
Bob, narrating: My name is Bob and this is my story.
(After a certain amount of time so the players can read the text)
The scene opens up to a city skyline.
Or if the player does have to click, can they click not on a link but somewhere on the screen in order to make the text change because I saw that I am able to make the text replace other text.
I'm designing the game so that it's based on choices and decisions and full-on interaction from the player so when there's like a fight scene or something similar where the player needs to make quick choices, it feels numbed down when you have all the time in the world to make the right choice, taking away from the gameplay. Is there a way to have quick-time choices in the game? And since it's based on the player's decisions, is there a way to keep track of the decisions they make and show them at the end of the episode/chapter?
I'm also making the game with someone else who doesn't have an account on this site and it's a little difficult since he can not see what he's working on or edit it to how he sees fit. Is there a way to share the game with someone else without publishing it or if I do publish it, is there a way to make it private only?
When it comes to font, I figured out how to change the color of the font but is there a way to change the font itself? This isn't my biggest issue, by the way.
And I think that's all of my questions so far. If I come up with anymore, I'll add it below in the comments. Thank you to anyone who can help me with this.
10 Dec 2016, 08:32 setTimeout(function(){ squiffy.story.go("nextsectionname");}, 5000);
The above will force the user into the next section after 5 seconds have passed.
In terms of creating static links it shouldn't be too hard. A basic link works like:
<a class="squiffy-link link-section" data-section="mysection" role="link">link text</a>
I suspect the link is disabled after a click via CSS, so with some small modifications you should be able to get it to remain clickable.
In terms of font, you can style any Squiffy game using CSS. Easiest option is to create your own custom style.css file, and then link it to the main HTML template using:
<link id="lookandfeel" rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"/>
10 Dec 2016, 12:32Is there a way to make it so that despite clicking on the link, you still can afterwards?
Only by visiting the same passage again.
Is there a way to share the game with someone else without publishing it or if I do publish it, is there a way to make it private only?
There is! When publishing a game, you have a section labeled "Who can access this game?", where the default option is "Only people I give the link to".
Alternatively, you can download the game and e-mail it. Choose "Export HTML and Javascript", so that the recipient can actually play it.