Using a non-Squiffy link to advance the story...
23 Apr 2017, 20:33I have a button and, when I click it, I would like Squiffy to advance to a section of my choosing. However, this button is in the main HTML template, not Squiffy itself. Do any of our resident Javascript / JQuery experts know how to do this?
23 Apr 2017, 22:50Hi thetruespin!
To access squiffy object in your html, you may modify the story.js. On var methods you add the following code:
getSquiffy: function () {
return squiffy;
After this, in the html button can place the following property:
<input type="button" onClick='jQuery.fn.squiffy("getSquiffy").story.go("clicked");' value="Click me!">
Then, when you click the button, the history advance to clicked section.
24 Apr 2017, 06:09Brilliant. Thank you.