Help making attribute checks that continue the story

27 Apr 2022, 22:14

I’m trying to make an attribute check where if {Attack}=15 or more, the story continues on [[Section10]]. But if it {Attack}=10 or less, you get sent to [[Section11]]. How can this be done? I have tried this:

[[fight]]{if {Attack}=15+:[Sec10]}

But to no result. I’m obviously doing something wrong, but I am unsure what?

27 Apr 2022, 23:36

{Attack} displays an attribute named Attack.

{if {Attack}=15+: would check if the attribute named {Attack} is a text string containing the characters 1, 5, and +.

If you want to check if an attribute is equal to 15+, you would do something like:

@set Attack = 15+

{if Attack=15+:This will be true}

If you want to check if it's 15 or higher, you're not checking for "equal to". You're checking for "greater than or equal to". So the comparison operator should be >= rather than =.


@set Attack = 17

{if Attack >= 15:This will be true}

Comparison operators are:

  • = - is equal to
  • > - is greater than
  • < - is less than
  • <> - is different from
  • <= - is less than or equal to
  • >= - is greater than or equal to

So in your example, you would do:

{if Attack >= 15:[[Section10]]}

27 Apr 2022, 23:47

Thank you for the reply! However, when I type this code into Squiffy, it doesn’t come out as intended. Is this a bug or is there another issue? I inputted the code but it comes out as Section11 as the clickable word rather than fight

28 Apr 2022, 00:13
@set attack = 12

{if attack>=15:{@next=Section 10}}
{if attack<=10:{@next=Section 11}}
{if next<>Section 11:{if next<>Section 10:{@next=Limbo}}}


[[Section 10]]:
You're in Section 10.

[[Section 11]]:
You're in Section 11.

What do you want to do for numbers you haven't declared?

28 Apr 2022, 00:22

Thank you so much! This worked

28 Apr 2022, 02:43

I'm always late to the party.

Try this:

{if att>=15:[[Section 10]]}
{if att<=10:[[Section 11]]}

28 Apr 2022, 09:16

Thank you for the reply! However, when I type this code into Squiffy, it doesn’t come out as intended. Is this a bug or is there another issue? I inputted the code but it comes out as Section11 as the clickable word rather than fight

Sorry, I was just basing it on the code you posted. You had a section link [[Attack]], followed by a passage link [Section10] if the condition is true. It wasn't clear that they were supposed to be the same link.

I think it should be:

{if Attack >= 15:[[Attack]](Section10)}

I only just noticed you said "if it's 10 or less" for the alternate condition. So you don't need an else in that case; it would be:

{if Attack >= 15:[[Attack]](Section10)}
{if Attack <= 10:[[Attack]](Section11)}

28 Apr 2022, 22:09

I seem to recall that you need to be careful adding spaces around the operatives. Years back, I had a frustrating issue because of that. Of course, giving my coding, it could have been something else...