The track turn thingy isn't working.

29 Feb 2016, 00:44
[[Check in on Foxy]]:
Should've known it.
[press the close door button]
[glance at monitor]


[press the close door button]:
He won't be getting in now.
<audio autoplay>
<source src="" type="audio/mpeg">
You can hear him pounding on the door.
[glance at monitor]

[glance at monitor]:
{if seen press the close door button:Foxy's back at pirate cove. Better guess it's time to eat or look at something, like ads [[or the Show Stage]]}{else:You can see Foxy running down the hallway. Will you put the monitor [[place]] your monitor down?}.

So I haven't written the panic part yet. But for some reason nothing happens when I click on them, it just goes blank. I used this earlier in the story too, (yes I changed the Link Names, they're unique) Please Help!

29 Feb 2016, 19:44
What are you clicking on that is turning blank? And what do you mean by "track turn thingy"?

01 Mar 2016, 03:02
Never Mind, I got it working now. I think that it was just a glitch...