I have broken Squiffy!

03 Oct 2015, 20:55
Being the complete newb that I am, I placed the following code at the start of my game:

<style type="text/css">
body {color: white; background: black;}
div {text-align: center; font-size: 1000%;}

Apparently, that code now reults in a completely blank editor, with the following message:

I can't even copy and paste into notepad to remove the offending bit. While I can copy the apparenly invisible text (CTRL+A; CTRL+C), all i get is this:

You can format your text using HTML and Markdown.

To create a new section:
[[new section]]:
To link to a section:
Link [[like this]] or [[use different link text]](new section)
To create a new passage:
[new passage]:
To link to a passage:
Link [like this] or [use different link text](new passage)
Full documentation

I'm nearly done with my IF and, while I did learn a lot, I really don't want to start over. Is there anything I can do, or is it possible for you (Alex) to remove that bit of script out, please?

Any help would be great ly appreciated!

05 Oct 2015, 18:23
Looking for any help, please.

06 Oct 2015, 18:30
I have fixed this bug now, can you try again?

(By the way, if you need me directly, it's best to email - it's too easy for me to skip over forum posts)

07 Oct 2015, 12:58
Thanks for the reply, Alex! No worries on you not seeing the post right away; my life is pretty hectic, so there's always something I can be doing. :)

The editor is working now, but it appears that my IF has been deleted. Is it gone for good? I don't want to type anything in case it can still be retrieved. If nothing else, I've learned to backup in notepad.

20 Feb 2016, 14:13
Similarly, this seems to mess up all Markdown and html settings:

<script type="text/javascript">
document.body.style.backgroundColor = "#000000"; document.body.style.color = "#FAFAFA";

So the background is black and the text is white, but none of my other settings continue to work.

20 Feb 2016, 15:55
IFforClassroom wrote:Similarly, this seems to mess up all Markdown and html settings:

<script type="text/javascript">
document.body.style.backgroundColor = "#000000"; document.body.style.color = "#FAFAFA";

So the background is black and the text is white, but none of my other settings continue to work.

I'm relatively new to this so I may be wrong. But that doesn't look like any of the ways of setting colors on a website that I've come across so far. If you want to do it in html I think you need style tags and curly brackets { }.

I set colors in the style.css file by adding something like this:

background-color: #000000;
color: #FAFAFA;

But you have to save a copy of the file somewhere, because the default style.css gets auto-generated again every time you build, and will save over it.

I don't know if this is the best way to do this for Squiffy...but it seems to work for me.

More information here about different ways to set colors:


21 Feb 2016, 03:21
I'm even newer than you are, so I probably misunderstood you and am making a simple newbie mistake. But when I replace my code with your code, I only get a blank screen. The code that I used does work, it just it makes Squiffy ignore the effects of my html, like <center>blah blah</center>, and all of my Markdown, like **Title.** Maybe that doesn't count as "broken Squiffy."

21 Feb 2016, 13:04
Where are you putting the code? The code I gave in my post above would go in the style.css file, which is not in Squiffy. It's a separate text file that gets automatically generated when you build, in the same folder as your story file. (But you'll want to save a copy of the file first, so it doesn't get overwritten the next time you build.)

I haven't tried putting code within the story file, if that's what you're doing. If you're doing that, then I think you'd need to use html, with style tags. Something like this:

body {background-color: #000000; color: #FAFAFA;}

But I don't know whether that would work within the Squiffy file. Html should work in the index.html file, though. I think it's supposed to go somewhere between the <head> </head> tags. (And the same warning applies--save a copy of the index.html file somewhere where it won't get overwritten.)

To be clear, these are different ways of doing the same thing: (1) using css (code from my first post) in the style.css file, or (2) using html (code from this post) in the index.html file, or (3) using html (code from this post) in the story file. Either (1) or (2) have worked for me. I have not tried (3).

22 Feb 2016, 10:13
Bgbg, I thank you for your attention and help. I'm way too greenhorn igner'nt to know from index.html and whatnot. But thank you anyhow. I'm not a programmer. I'm just playing around with Squiffy and seeing what I can do and can't do. You're a good person for trying to help though.