Passing a javascript variable to Squiffy

07 May 2015, 15:10

I want to pass a player name attribute into Squiffy from a javascript prompt. Is this possible?
Here's what I've got so far.

Cheers! :)

<form name=myform>
<input type=button value="Enter name"
s=prompt('Enter your name','Name');

[Click for name]

[Click for name]:
squiffy.set("name", "s");

Hello {name}

24 May 2015, 09:22
It might just be because I'm new to this, but it doesn't seem to work.

So up until this part, it seems to work alright. I have the code in there exactly as you typed it, and it runs fine. I click the button, and put Dedray as my example name.
I click Okay, and then "Click for name", and...

There's no name. Just the letter s. At the bottom, it seems to think his name is "s".

So, I tried taking out the "s", thinking it might be confusing the code.

It doesn't seem to recognize the input at all.

24 May 2015, 09:26
While you're working on this, I'm also trying to figure out how I could change the text depending on whether the user is male or female (such as male and female pronouns).
I don't want to copy/paste the whole entire thing with the different pronouns just to differentiate between guys and girls, but I also want to make it as personal as I can without forcing the person into a specific role.

29 May 2015, 09:54
I've made some progress on this. I just need help concatenating the two variables and displaying in squiffy.
This is what I've got so far.
Any help is very much appreciated....

<p style="font-size:33px; color:red;"> Character Creation</p>

Click the links below to create your character. <br>
[FirstName] <br>
[LastName] <br>
[FullName] <br>



$(document).on("click", "#enter-name", function ()
var person1 = prompt("Please enter your name", "");
document.getElementById("name1").innerHTML =
"Your first name is " + person1 + "";
squiffy.set ("globalfirstname", person1());

<button id="enter-name">Enter First name</button>
<p id="name1"></p>

$(document).on("click", "#enter-name1", function ()
var person2 = prompt("Please enter your name", "");
document.getElementById("name2").innerHTML =
"Your Last name is " + person2 + "";
squiffy.set ("globallastname", person2());

<button id="enter-name1">Enter Last name</button>
<p id="name2"></p>

Your Fullname is {globalfirstname + globallastname}.

29 May 2015, 11:32
With a line like this...

squiffy.set ("globalfirstname", person1());

You are setting Squiffy's "globalfirstname" attribute to the result of calling a function named person1.

You don't have such a function. You just want the content of the variable named person1, so lose the extra brackets.

squiffy.set ("globalfirstname", person1);

29 May 2015, 11:35
By the way, are you learning JavaScript while learning Squiffy? If so, that's awesome, but I haven't really designed Squiffy for people who don't know JavaScript. It could be a pretty neat way to learn JavaScript though, so if people are doing that I'll need to keep that in mind when I write more documentation. What other resources are you using?

29 May 2015, 12:00
Ahhh, Thank you, Alex.

Can the attributes be seen outside of the section they are defined in. When I click the Fullname link it is still showing as 'null'.
Also can you concatenate variables with a plus sign within the squiffy curly brackets?

Your Fullname is {globalfirstname + globallastname}.

I did a little bit of java at uni about 8 years ago but don't remember anything at all due to beer :/ I'm using Squiffy not Quest because I wanted to make a gamebook with hyperlinked choices and port it to an app after. I can see the learning curve is quite steep but once I've got the code for the few things I need to do it will just be a matter of amending and cutting and pasting...I hope.

I'm not using any other specific resources. Just googling when I need to do a javascript thing.

Thanks again for the help.

29 May 2015, 12:07
I've just realised I can just do this:

Your Fullname is {globalfirstname} {globallastname}.

But can I concatenate the two to become a new attribute?
globalfirstname + globallastname = globalfullname

29 May 2015, 12:44
You can only include one attribute name inside the curly braces. (At the moment anyway - I think Squiffy probably needs proper templating eventually).

So use this:

Your Fullname is {globalfirstname} {globallastname}.

If you want to concatenate to create a new attribute, use this JavaScript:

set ("globalfullname", get("globalfirstname") + " " + get("globallastname"));

(Tip: You can use "get" and "set" instead of "squiffy.get" and "squiffy.set" - they're exactly the same)

29 May 2015, 16:06
blood_exchange wrote:While you're working on this, I'm also trying to figure out how I could change the text depending on whether the user is male or female (such as male and female pronouns).
I don't want to copy/paste the whole entire thing with the different pronouns just to differentiate between guys and girls, but I also want to make it as personal as I can without forcing the person into a specific role.

Hi, Blood exchange.
I'm just learning myself but I've got this in my project which is similar to what you are asking

@title GenderTokenExample

[Select Gender] <br>

[Select Gender]:
Are you [Male] or [Female]?


set("gender", "Male");
set("Boy/Girl", "Boy");
set("boy/girl", "boy");
set("Man/Woman", "Man");
set("man/woman", "man");
set("Sir/madam", "Sir");
set("sir/madam", "sir");
set("Lord/Lady", "Lord");
set("lord/lady", "lord");
set("handsome/pretty", "handsome");

set("gender", "Female");
set("Boy/Girl", "Girl");
set("boy/girl", "girl");
set("Man/Woman", "Woman");
set("man/woman", "woman");
set("Sir/Madam", "Madam");
set("sir/madam", "madam");
set("Lord/Lady", "Lady");
set("lord/lady", "lady");
set("handsome/pretty", "pretty");



"Ugh! What a hideous looking {man/woman} you are!
"Don't look me in the eye, you bold {boy/girl}!"