Line Breaks

01 Feb 2015, 21:17
I am having trouble creating two line breaks in a row? I read up on Markdown line breaks but nothing seems to work.

What I want to do is the following.

Normal blank line - working fine
Normal blank line - working fine
Extra blank Line - not working :!:

Is there a trick that I am missing?

01 Feb 2015, 21:22
I expect Markdown collapses multiple line breaks into one, so if you want to force an extra one, just use a <br/> tag.

01 Feb 2015, 21:29
Hmmm, interestingly if I use one <br/> it removes ALL. If I use two, I get a single line break and if I use three I get what I wanted which is a double line break. OK by me but is that working as intended?

01 Feb 2015, 21:47
It probably interprets the block as HTML in that case, so I gueeessss it makes some kind of sense...