foreign characters in utf-8 encoded squiffy file

11 Sept 2014, 14:15
Compiling a squiffy source file with Swedish characters such as Å,Ä,Ö caused the python command to fail. The following modification to seems to allow proper utf-8 handling of these characters:

replace the line

input_data =


input_data ='utf-8')

Maybe there is a better way to automatically detect the file encoding?

11 Sept 2014, 15:39
Thanks, Python is a pain for Unicode (well, v2 is anyway).

Could you log this as an issue on GitHub please, or even better, send a Pull Request so I can just merge the change straight in?


15 Sept 2014, 16:11
I posted this as an issue but not as a pull request; I don't want to suggest my solution too emphatically since I have not thought about side effects.

08 Oct 2015, 22:08
The probleme is the same in german language by using 'ÄÜ etc.'
To solve this issue, I think it could be the smartest way to insert "<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">" in the head-section automaticly when a new "index.html" is compiling.
For now, I insert this tag manual every time I compile a new "index.html". It's not the best way to solve the problem, but be sure: it works out... :-)