Randoming the order of a list
11 Aug 2020, 22:15Hi! I have a squiffy game, but I would like to randomize the order of a list.
Do I have to do that in JavaScript, or does squiffy provide some way of doing it?
12 Aug 2020, 17:18I've done it but it's kinda kludgy. I'm going to wait until the JS aces come in on this. Otherwise, Ill post my solution.
13 Aug 2020, 11:23Don't know about Squiffy, but in JS it's pretty easy.
somelist = ["red", "blue", "green", "pink"];
for (i=somelist.length ; i > 0 ; i--) {
somelist.push (somelist.splice(Math.floor(Math.random() * i), 1)[0]);
13 Aug 2020, 12:37I'm not a JS stormrider by any means. This doesn't duplicate elements on the list, does it? I figure he wanted it unique.
13 Aug 2020, 18:03It takes one of the first 4 elements at random (so any of them), and moves it to the end.
Then it takes one of the first 3 elements (the ones that haven't been shuffled yet) at random, and moves it to the end.
Then it takes one of the first 2 elements (the ones that haven't been shuffled yet) at random, and moves it to the end.
Gives an equal chance of every possible order, in the minimum number of movements.
Doesn't duplicate, because there's a splice
for every pop