Codes for if One Value is greater, equal to, or less than the other.

23 Jul 2018, 04:07

What are the proper codes for these examples below?

Game 1
Away: 123 vs. Home 98
[[Click to continue]]

[[Click to continue]]:
{if Home<=Away:{[[AWAYWINS]]}

Game 2
Away: 87 vs. Home 87
[[Click to continue]]

[[Click to continue]]:
{if Home=Away:{[[TIE GAME]]}

Game 3
Away: 117 vs. Home 118
[[Click to continue]]

[[Click to continue]]:
{if Home>=Away:{[[HOMEWINS]]}

Swamp Dragon
27 Jul 2018, 14:15

Your if statements are incorrect, which is the main problem. Check the syntax I use in the following example. Also, try converting the second variable of your if statement in to a number.

     //to set a value in squiffy use @set//

@set Away=123
@set Home=98

Game 1
Away: 123 vs. Home 98
[[Click to continue]]

[[Click to continue]]:

     //indent 4 spaces for this one line of javascript: minus "Away" from "Home"//

     squiffy.set("ScoreResult", get("Home") - get("Away"));

     //use this syntax with if command//

{if ScoreResult<0:[[AWAYWINS]]}
{if ScoreResult=0:[[TIE GAME]]}
{if ScoreResult>0:[[HOMEWINS]]}

Swamp Dragon
27 Jul 2018, 15:18

It just occured to me you might have being trying to redirect, rather than provide links. If so, don't include the square brackets and be sure to close the argument properly:

{if ScoreResult<0:{AWAYWINS}}
{if ScoreResult=0:{TIE GAME}}
{if ScoreResult>0:{HOMEWINS}}


Some content


Some content


Some content

29 Jul 2018, 05:42

Thanks! I've tested the code and it really worked out!