Requests for the forum messaging system
The Pixie
04 Sept 2017, 08:38It is great that this is now implemented, but I have a couple of requests for improving it.
Could we see the last 10-20 messages we sent (and perhaps the status; unread, read, replied to)
Could it handle block quotes, i.e., a line starting with a greater than symbol indented, as it is on the forum?
Could it only prepend "Re:" if the message subject does not already start "Re: "?
Quest has a bug tracker where feature requests and bugs can be reported; a similar system for the web site might be an idea?

04 Sept 2017, 09:25I second these requests.
04 Sept 2017, 23:29I guess to go with The Pixie's block quote, I'd like to have more room to post code. If that's possible, please.