Cannot upload to forum

The Pixie
21 Mar 2016, 09:03
I am unable to upload files to the forum. Tried with both Firefox and IE, and I am using a PC that I have done this from in the past. Tried three different .aslx files, the biggest is 12 kB. I just get a yellow triangle with a ! in the status column.

Anyone else having the same problem?

23 Mar 2016, 02:16
Test upload...

Tried two files. Both ended with the yellow triangle? So, yes. Having the same problem. Using Firefox.

23 Mar 2016, 09:21
Same problem with chrome. The status says : "Sorry, the board attachment quota has been reached."

23 Mar 2016, 15:19
Ah, I didn't know phpBB had such a thing as an attachment quota. I've removed that now so uploads now work again.