What I miss...

The Pixie
19 Aug 2016, 12:51

I like the style of the new forum, and the fact that it is integrated with the main site. I think this makes it far more accessible, and I think we saw a sudden increase in new users when it started. Suddenly people could just click on a tab at the top of the screen, and there is the forum. However, there are features that I miss.

Personal messages: An important use of PMs is to discuss game bugs. If I play a game, and spot an issue, I could message the creator and let him know. Okay, I could leave a comment, but I feel it is better to keep the dirty washing hidden away. I do not want to be "that guy" who fills the comments with critisms, and I wonder if that puts other people off too. Similarly, when people have asked for comments on their games, I have in the past sent a PM. In a similar vein, PMs are better for beta-testing. The alternative is exchanging e-mails, whichI would prefer not to do in open forum.

Upload images: A picture paints a thousands words, and can be especially useful when trying to show how to script in the GUI, or to show-off a new layout for quest, or to show how a layout is failing to do what you want.

Upload files: We now have no way to share library files, and this seems to me a bad thing. It has also been useful for someone with a problem to upload their game for others to see.

I feel all of these would improve the quality of Quest game.

19 Aug 2016, 14:03

Yes, PMs are definitely missed. I have a typo list for a game played recently but it feels petty to make them pubic through game comments or the forum.

The Pixie
20 Aug 2016, 08:01

And another thng...

A search function. It would be great if anyone with a problem could search the forum to see if it was already answered. Yes, you can use Google, but one that orders by date automatically so results for Quest 4 are well buried, and can be easily focused on one forum and possibly username too would be far better.

And easy to find, there on the front page of the forum, so people hink to use it.

Alex Warren
20 Aug 2016, 10:03

I will probably add some kind of PM function at some point.

For images, upload to imgur and then use Markdown's image syntax or a normal HTML <img> tag to insert it into your post.

Upload library files to GitHub (I suggest creating your own repository for each library you maintain) and then link to them here. (This is so much better than using forum attachments anyway.)

There is a search box at the bottom of the forum index and the topics list. No, I cannot create a better search engine than Google can.

21 Aug 2016, 15:25
No, I cannot create a better search engine than Google can.

I am sure you could! :-)

The Pixie
21 Aug 2016, 17:58

Got to admit, I had not spotted the search box.

22 Aug 2016, 02:40

Is there a way to "subscribe" to a topic like we used to? So that we are emailed when/if a new post is made on that topic?

22 Aug 2016, 03:01

Is there a way to "subscribe" to a topic like we used to? So that we are emailed when/if a new post is made on that topic?

I didn't know that was possible on the old forum! lol

It would be nice. =)

24 Aug 2016, 02:28

I agree that I miss the subscription ability--and your ability to just search by topics and posts that you've made. I've asking for advice on a variety of game making things, and I wanted to reference what I had discussed before and had trouble finding it. I've only been able to search using my own username, and even then one of my topics I couldn't find?

24 Aug 2016, 12:50

...PMs would also be a useful way to contact those who posted games years ago but are no longer active. For example, just started playing Woo Goes There by longshot and suspect if (when) I get stuck he/she won't be there to help!