Problem with HTML game upload

09 Aug 2015, 21:45

I have tried to upload a new game to my account, but when I click upload button I get this message over an otherwise blank page: "The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable."

The zip file I'm trying to upload is a ~41Mb file, maybe that is the reason, but the game is plenty of graphics and audio, so the size cannot be reduced.

10 Aug 2015, 14:07
I'm sure you can reduce the file size a bit. Graphics don't need to be any bigger than necessary to display on a screen. 41MB sounds like quite a lot of audio as well - again you can probably compress it to use a lower bitrate?

10 Aug 2015, 15:52
Well, actually that one is the reduced version. I reduced images and audio quality after noticing the original one was over 100Mb. This game features more than 60 locations, each one with its own picture, plus the intro screen, plus several more for the "you've won the game" animation. Also, it has music background, effects, etc.

I can try to reduce some of the music files, that are the largest ones, but I cannot reduce the images quality, as they are already too small.

What is the limit exactly? I can try to see if I can get under the limit.

10 Aug 2015, 17:25
I'm not sure, I thought the limit was 50MB but it could possibly be 20MB.

If you really can't reduce the file size any further, you can send me the file (via Dropbox or something similar) and I can upload it manually.