The adult game category

26 Aug 2014, 19:05
It only applies to games categorised as adult and not smutty yet crap games that end up in the sand pit.

26 Aug 2014, 22:00
Perhaps we can have an adult version of the Sandpit and call it the "Gutter". :)

26 Aug 2014, 22:03
Boom-tish! :D

27 Aug 2014, 02:38
call it (adult sandpit): trashy :D

as the games are both trashy in the moral~social sense and in terms of game play~unfinished~non-well done~un-played~etc sense

26 Nov 2014, 15:56
Where is this fabled adult category anyway? I can't see any way to access it on the site.

Glad to hear it's not just a bunch of smut, though. If I can ever get a handle on some of the more complex coding I had a short plot in mind that would necessarily include lots of violence and swearing, and I wouldn't want it to just get tossed in with a bunch of 'my anime waifu' games or 'twilight sparkle's first time' or whatever. :lol:

But at the same time I don't want it to get tossed into the invisible category that no one can ever click on...

26 Nov 2014, 17:04
afaik it's only a category in the offline browser.

26 Nov 2014, 17:08
actually I can't find it there either. Anyone?

26 Nov 2014, 18:19
It only appears if you've indicated on your profile that you're over 18.

In the Windows desktop app you have to turn it on from the Options screen.

27 Nov 2014, 04:39
Okay, updated my profile.

And I don't see an 'adult' categories on the left side of the screen with the others, but something called 'F*** Quest' has just popped up in the latest games section so...mission accomplished? Just not quite in the way I was hoping for! :oops:

But since the adult section isn't very visible to most players, and I'm not sure if I'll like my possible future game's neighbors if it gets tossed in there anyway, I'll think I'll just try to figure out some way to have my violent convicts slaughter hordes of alien scum in a polite, diplomatic way instead. :wink:

27 Nov 2014, 09:02
I'm not sure if violence would land you in there per se. More sex/drugs/swearing. Depends how graphic it is I guess.

27 Nov 2014, 15:55
The game I'm working on now has its moments of bad language (the F-word mainly). Am I okay to just throw it in with the rest when it's finished?

27 Nov 2014, 21:26
there's 'adult' and then there's smut~porn.

'adult' can have sex in good taste (like art vs porn, a naked statue is art, not porn, which is why kids can go to a museum and look at naked statues, full displayment of male and female genitilia and female breasts, not all nudity or sex, is porn. as sex and nudity can be methods~tactics of~in telling a great story of love, emotion, and etc good story-telling aspects, and that's not porn). It's amazing how many people~organizations~businesses~etc are totally ignorant of the legal difference between art (visual)~literature (writen), and porn

04 Dec 2014, 12:03
Literature is quite self regulatory in that books considered unsuitable for minors are generally beyond their reading abilities anyway to all but the brightest who probably don't have an interest in Fifty Shades of Grey anyway.

Television does differentiate between unsuitable shows being aired after the 9pm watershed (UK) when kids should be in bed or their parents be aware that they should be cautious after that point.

04 Dec 2014, 16:01
And of course all this 'the word 'adult' can have many meanings business' is just arguing semantics. When talking about movies, games, etc. when people say adult they mean smut. It's just another one of those words that's had it's original meaning changed by popular culture - you might as well try to argue that gay means happy. IMO what would actually be more useful for removing confusion in a site like this would be a 'Mature' category.

And Silver, good point about literature, though I'd argue that even when a kid is reading something...problematic, the 'unsuitable' passages might not have as much of an effect as it would on us because they're just not developed enough (both mentally and physically) for that kind of thing to really even register with them. Just going from my own experience, when I was in the second grade or so I figured out that I just frickin loved to read, and it didn't matter what--my brother's Stephen King books, the Dune series, anything I could get my hands on--and it's interesting looking back now and realizing how much subtext, or even flat out text, went completely over my head.

Movies on the other hand are a much more visceral experience with a much bigger impact on a developing mind, and I really wish parents would be more cautious about them. They can get away with some pretty unbelievable stuff even in a PG-13 movies these days, and there are way too many people out there who see 'PG-13' and think 'sure let's bring the toddler along, why not' :roll:

04 Dec 2014, 16:37
When I was younger, perhaps early teens, I got my dad to record a film for me. Unbeknown to me he watched it first and discovered some adult content so taped over that bit. Apparently when I got to the part when watching it (I have no memory of this, I don't even know what film it was, it was told to me years later as an anecdote in the pub) I said "Oh no, it's gone wrong at the best bit!" :mrgreen:

05 Dec 2014, 18:16

ah, a fellow Dune reader, hehe. Dune is so amazing (EPIC), good sci-fi biology and etc sciences story, and thus some of hot scenes, hehe. You remember the 'hand on thigh', theory? It's really true, though just basic sociology.

Have you read the Foundation series (Isaac Asimov), Ender series (Orson Scott Card), Wheel of Time (Robert Jordan), and etc etc etc (my memory is failing me, grr).

What are some of the books you've read, and what're your favorites?

05 Dec 2014, 19:24
Robert Heinlein had some racy bits in his stories (not the earlier juvenile stories, but the later ones): Stranger in a Strange Land, The Number of the Beast, Job: A Comedy of Justice, etc.

05 Dec 2014, 19:48
Two of those explain where Iron Maiden went for inspiration for song titles. Haven't read the books though. I'm wanting to get into science fiction books, more on the thriller rather than fantasy side of it (not sure if fantasy is the right descriptor given it's a genre of its own: I mean Alien rather than Star Trek). Any recommendations?

07 Dec 2014, 20:24
I can nerd out about books all day but I'm feeling like we should probably make a new topic for this. :D

07 Dec 2014, 20:42
Good point!

16 Dec 2015, 15:47
I notice there's a porn game showing up in the main page in the 'top rated' category. Are the adult games mixed with the regular ones now, or is it because of some setting I have enabled? (and if so does anyone know how I turn it off?)

16 Dec 2015, 16:09
You see Adult games if you've indicated you're over 18. You can hide all adult games if you remove your date of birth from your profile at - set date and month to the dashes at the top of the list and clear the year box.