Displaying Obvious Exits in Location Bar
14 Apr 2018, 08:52Add this to the "Script when entering a room" script under your game
object's tab:
if (ListCount(ScopeUnlockedExitsForRoom(game.pov.parent)) > 0) {
exitsgood = false
foreach (ex, ScopeUnlockedExitsForRoom(game.pov.parent)) {
if (not ex.scenery) {
exitsgood = true
if (exitsgood) {
list = ScopeUnlockedExitsForRoom(game.pov.parent)
s = "Obvious exits: "
foreach (ex, list) {
exalt = GetDisplayAlias(ex)
if (HasAttribute(ex,"alt")){
if (ListCount(ex.alt)>0){
exalt = ex.alt[0]
s = s + UCase(exalt)
i = ListCount(list)
if (not list[i-1] = ex){
s = s + " | "
js = CapFirst(GetDisplayName(game.pov.parent))+ " "
js = js + "<span style=\"float:right;margin-right:1%;\">"
js = js + s + "</span>"
JS.updateLocation (js)