8ne - DevMode 2.5 - Development tool for better testing the running game

03 May 2020, 13:16

DevMode 2.5

Compatible with Quest 5.7 and later.

If the development mode is activated, new commands are available in the current game with which you can interact without detours via the change scripts. It is also possible to start the game with another player or in another room. Additionally, attributes can be adjusted in advance for the developer mode. An initialization script for developer mode only is also available. PS: Inspired by Pixie's Cheating-Code. ;-)

The code has been slightly modified to be closer to JSON. Instead of semicolons, commas are now used in lists and dictionaries. The code that can be changed at runtime has been named FlyScript.

Now with a runtime table with all objects for controlling the object attributes, including the possibility to change the values at runtime. The code inside is in FlyScript.

Preview DevMode

To download the library simply right-click here and select "Save as..."!

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Have fun with the library!


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04 Jun 2020, 12:28

Thank you for developing this for the community.
I already use version 1.5 that was included in Quest 5.8. If I want to upgrade the present version, do I have to jump through some hoops to avoid both versions from fighting amongst each other ? I noticed both aslx files have different names

06 Jul 2020, 00:28

Hello, HagarQuinan. Sorry. I just saw the news.

You can disable DevMode 1.5 in Quest under "Show DevMode options" when you use the new version.