Easily describing absolutely everything.

26 Aug 2015, 00:34
This library allows creating string dictionaries as attributes in rooms which can be used for "fake object" descriptions. Item names and their descriptions can easily be entered as the keys and values in the GUI. Synonyms can be made by copying the description and pasting to a new key. "{if something:print this}" commands can be used.
The items can be looked at/examined, and the standard verbs - taking, pushing etc give "you can't (verb) the (object)" messages instead of "I can't see that" messages -- unless other verb dictionaries are set up to cover those messages. 35 standard verbs - touch, smell, take, etc can have messages.
A group of rooms placed in a container (parent) room can share dictionaries placed in the parent room for common items like sky, trees, ground.

The file contains the library and a demo game.

26 Aug 2015, 06:26
Pixie also has a library that does something similiar (I think) to what you want:


The Pixie
26 Aug 2015, 07:07
Excellent. A simple idea, but not trivial to implement.

As HK says, I had a similar idea for adding objects to several rooms at once by adding them to the parent, but your library does significantly more than that (though it throws an error if a room does not have a parent; you might want to either modify the code or make that a necessary condition).

26 Aug 2015, 07:47
Oops. Added a check for room.parent = null.

27 Aug 2015, 06:09
Here's the same thing with a funky user interface. It adds a tab to the room object editor. It reduces the tedious process of creating a string dictionary attribute to a single click. All the verbs are on the tab, select the one you want to use, then enter item names and descriptions.