New Wiki "How to" pages

The Pixie
11 Dec 2013, 13:17
I wrote these over the last few weeks; might be worth while people checking over them.

Ask a question (like as a riddle)

A Hint System

Turn-based events

A Second Inventory Pane ... dvanced%29

11 Dec 2013, 15:33
Nice work Pixie!

There is a small typo on turn-based events (3. Copy this turnscript and type into your game code. Insert it at the end, just before the last line (which will be "</asl>")). I would have fixed it myself but I don't have a wiki account yet.

In Ask a question it says changing the prompt is really only possible if you're using Quest offline. Do you mean the IDE, or playing the game offline? Might be good to clarify.