Extended Ask and Tell
The Pixie
29 Aug 2012, 14:27In Myothian Falcon, the player has to "ask <someone> about <subject>" a lot to solve the mystery, and one of the complaints I got was that people could not guess the subjects to ask about, or asked about subjects I had not implemented.
This library seeks to solve that issue to some degree.
1. Adds the "topics" command, so the player can see what topics are available.
2. Adds default responses on a per topic basis, instead of one default response for everything.
3. Joins the "speak to" command into the same system; bringing up a menu of topics available.
4. Automatically counts how often a specific character has been asked about a specific topic.
1. Set up your characters for Ask/Tell as normal. Remember you can access the conv_count attribute on that character to see how often the player has asked about this topic.
2. Also, for each character, click on the "Verbs" tab, and add a new verb "Speak to". Set this to run a script, and from the list, select "Call function". Type "Chat" in as the name of the function, and add a single parameter, "this" (all without quotes).
3. The last step is to set up a character on the game object called "default_ask_tell" (by right clicking on the "game" object, and select "Create Object"). Now click on the Ask/Tell tab, and put in your default responses for each topic, just as you would for a normal character. If a character in the game has no response to a topic, these are what will be used instead.
If unsure, look at the demo. Remember to include this library and PixLib.