The Random Pixie Library
The Pixie
09 Sept 2011, 16:21A set of convenience functions with a random theme!
A minimalist demo is included.
A minimalist demo is included.
<function name="ShowRandomEvent" parameters="region">
Prints a random message to screen.
This should be sent an object with an attribute "event_list"
that is a string list. A string will be selected at random from
this list.
Optionally, the object can have an atribute "event_prob" that
is an integer; in that case a message is only displayed occasionally,
specifically "event_prob" times out of 100.
Personally, I have all my rooms divided up into regions, so each
room is inside a region object, and I set "event_list" and "event_prob"
on the region object. Then, in the description for the room I can use this:
"this" refers to the current object, i.e., the room, and its parent is the
Note that you have to ensure the object you send to ShowRandomEvent has suitable
attributes. currently Quest 5 has no way to test for a StringList attribute.
<function name="RandomString" parameters="my_list" type="string">
Returns a random string from the given string list.
<function name="PercentageChance" parameters="prob" type="boolean">
Returns true or false at random, with true occuring prob times
out of 100.
<function name="RollDice" parameters="dice, ac" type="int">
Given the classic DnD notation, dice are rolled and the result returned.
The input string must conform to a specific pattern; this is not tested for.
The string must be one of these, where x is one or more digits:
For example:
1d6 Roll a normal six-sided die
5d20+5 Roll five twenty sided dice and add 5 to the result.
<function name="RollDamage" parameters="dice, ac" type="int">
As RollDice (using the same notation for dice), but the AC (armour
class) is deducted from eac dice roll.
The Pixie
09 Sept 2011, 22:07Just realised that PercentageChance is the same as the existing RandomChance.