Should this QuestKit forum even exist?

06 Jun 2018, 09:46

Is this just taking up space?

Is anyone using QuestKit?

Because I think I've used it more than anyone else, and I don't consider anything I've created using this a playable game.

There are QUITE A FEW basic things this lacks.

Is anyone maintaining QuestKit?

I tried to add a little functionality, but I got nowhere.

This seems to be much farther away from a working model than Quest JS, and Quest JS doesn't even work correctly when everything compiles correctly.

Does anyone install this using NPM?

I have used NPM to install this on 6 devices; this was during the period of time I was attempting to add features. So, we'll say that 14 of the installs don't count.

Maybe this is for archival purposes?

This thread is pretty much the only source of information concerning QuestKit.

I was just thinking it might be better to have a Quest Gamebook Forum in place of this one. I mean, if no on uses QuestKit, this would prevent quite a bit of confusion when users are asking how to do things in Quest. Half of the time, we tell people how to do things in a text adventure, assuming that's what the author is creating. When this assumption is incorrect, it causes stress. The new user can't get anything to work because the Gamebook editor doesn't have 90% of the stuff the text adventure side has, and the person who is attempting to help out has to apologize for the confusion then approach the problem from a completely different angle.


06 Jun 2018, 19:28

I do not use QuestKit, but I would LOVE a forum dedicated to Gamebook mode!!!

07 Jun 2018, 10:22

I would LOVE a forum dedicated to Gamebook mode!!!

Oh me, oh my...

How shall I respond to this without sounding like a sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot?

I admire a woman who knows what she wants!

My dad always said, "the key to happiness is keeping the fairer sex satisfied."

I believe that a woman should ALWAYS get what she wants. (Especially when she wants the same thing I want!)

07 Jun 2018, 12:51

"How shall I respond to this without sounding like a sexist..."

Don't worry about that. I believe in the freedom of speech, even the freedom to say things that others might find offensive. If you say something that I find offensive, I'll probably say so. You, of course, don't have to do anything about it or even respond - It would just be more free speech, of the complaining variety.

"...egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot?"

You shouldn't worry about those things, either, because I'm probably worse than you in each regard.

I love quest for it's GUI. I know it has tons of better selling points, but for this girl, that was what attracted me to the software. The fact that it operates in Gamebook mode was the clincher. I fancy myself more of a writer than a game developer. The fact that Quest can use some RPG elements (like variables) in Gamebook mode started me thinking outside the box and sparked my interest in writing a Text Adventure. But for now, I'm hooked on Gamebook mode.

Now if only there was a way to change the folder icons to page icons in Gamebook mode...

07 Jun 2018, 13:25

If you say something that I find offensive, I'll probably say so. You, of course, don't have to do anything about it or even respond - It would just be more free speech, of the complaining variety.

This sounds fun! I am looking forward to the witty banter!!!

Now if only there was a way to change the folder icons to page icons in Gamebook mode...

SoonGames knows how to do that stuff. You'd probably have to add a page image to be displayed in place of the folder image in the object tree, then compile your own version of Quest in Visual Studio. (You could probably easily persuade me to get SoonGames to show me how to do this for you once Quest 5.8 is officially released.)