Quest 6: Creating a list of known words
06 Jun 2021, 18:46//version 2
const wordsKnown = [];
commands.forEach(cmd => {
cmd.regexes.forEach(rgx => {
let regexP = /\w+/g;
const result = [...rgx.source.matchAll(regexP)]
result.forEach(word => {
if (!wordsKnown.includes(word[0])){
wordsKnown.sort(Intl.Collator().compare); //updated this line to perform non case-sensitive sort
QuestJS has 225 words in its command patterns.
0: "about"
1: "active"
2: "again"
3: "anti"
4: "anticlockwise"
5: "ask"
6: "at"
7: "attach"
8: "back"
9: "behind"
10: "break"
11: "brief"
12: "burst"
13: "buy"
14: "check"
15: "chug"
16: "clear"
17: "clockwise"
18: "close"
19: "clue"
20: "consume"
21: "converse"
22: "credits"
23: "d"
24: "dark"
25: "deactivate"
26: "decant"
27: "del"
28: "delete"
29: "destroy"
30: "detach"
31: "dine"
32: "dir"
33: "directory"
34: "disable"
35: "discharge"
36: "dn"
37: "doff"
38: "don"
39: "down"
40: "drag"
41: "drink"
42: "drop"
43: "e"
44: "east"
45: "eat"
46: "empty"
47: "enable"
48: "enter"
49: "ex"
50: "exam"
51: "examine"
52: "exit"
53: "exits"
54: "fasten"
55: "feed"
56: "fill"
57: "follow"
58: "following"
59: "font"
60: "fonts"
61: "for"
62: "frm"
63: "from"
64: "g"
65: "get"
66: "give"
67: "go"
68: "goto"
69: "grab"
70: "guzzle"
71: "head"
72: "help"
73: "her"
74: "here"
75: "hint"
76: "his"
77: "holler"
78: "how"
79: "i"
80: "imbibe"
81: "in"
82: "info"
83: "ing"
84: "ingest"
85: "ings"
86: "insert"
87: "inside"
88: "into"
89: "intro"
90: "inv"
91: "inventory"
92: "knock"
93: "l"
94: "left"
95: "lie"
96: "listen"
97: "load"
98: "lock"
99: "look"
100: "ls"
101: "map"
102: "me"
103: "mode"
104: "move"
105: "my"
106: "n"
107: "ne"
108: "north"
109: "northeast"
110: "northwest"
111: "nw"
112: "o"
113: "of"
114: "off"
115: "offer"
116: "on"
117: "onto"
118: "oops"
119: "open"
120: "out"
121: "overwrite"
122: "ow"
123: "partake"
124: "peek"
125: "peer"
126: "pick"
127: "pierce"
128: "place"
129: "plain"
130: "pour"
131: "press"
132: "proffer"
133: "pronouns"
134: "pull"
135: "puncture"
136: "purchase"
137: "push"
138: "put"
139: "quaff"
140: "r"
141: "read"
142: "recline"
143: "reload"
144: "remove"
145: "restart"
146: "restore"
147: "right"
148: "rotate"
149: "s"
150: "save"
151: "say"
152: "scoop"
153: "score"
154: "scream"
155: "script"
156: "se"
157: "search"
158: "sell"
159: "sh"
160: "shift"
161: "shout"
162: "show"
163: "silent"
164: "sip"
165: "sit"
166: "smash"
167: "smell"
168: "sniff"
169: "south"
170: "southeast"
171: "southwest"
172: "speak"
173: "spoken"
174: "stand"
175: "stop"
176: "sw"
177: "swallow"
178: "swig"
179: "swill"
180: "switch"
181: "t"
182: "take"
183: "talk"
184: "tell"
185: "terse"
186: "through"
187: "tie"
188: "to"
189: "toggle"
190: "topics"
191: "transcript"
192: "turn"
193: "twist"
194: "u"
195: "under"
196: "undo"
197: "unfasten"
198: "unlock"
199: "untie"
200: "up"
201: "upon"
202: "use"
203: "verbose"
204: "version"
205: "w"
206: "wait"
207: "walk"
208: "walkthrough"
209: "warn"
210: "wear"
211: "west"
212: "what"
213: "when"
214: "where"
215: "whisper"
216: "who"
217: "why"
218: "widdershins"
219: "with"
220: "wt"
221: "x"
222: "yell"
223: "your"
224: "z"
length: 225
I don't know what to do with that (if anything), but I'm posting it here so I can't lose it.
06 Jun 2021, 18:50PS
I just learned the word "widdershins". So, I got at least one thing out of this. :)
06 Jun 2021, 19:46const pronounsKnown = [];
Object.values(lang.pronouns).forEach(val => {
Object.values(val).forEach(v => {
if (!pronounsKnown.includes(v)){
Now we have a list of known pronouns.
06 Jun 2021, 20:05EDIT
Okay, now it finds all the words in all the patterns, the pronouns, the object aliases, and any object regex
attributes. Plus, it adds the articles.
const articlesKnown = ["a", "an", "some", "the"];
const nounsKnown = [];
Object.keys(w).forEach(key => {
let regexen = [];
if (w.regex){
let regexP = /\w+/g;
w.regex.forEach(rgx => {
const result = [...rgx.source.matchAll(regexP)]
result.forEach(word => {
if (!nounsKnown.includes(word[0])){
const wordsKnown = [];
commands.forEach(cmd => {
cmd.regexes.forEach(rgx => {
let regexP = /\w+/g;
const result = [...rgx.source.matchAll(regexP)]
result.forEach(word => {
if (!wordsKnown.includes(word[0])){
wordsKnown.sort(Intl.Collator().compare); //updated this line to perform non case-sensitive sort
const pronounsKnown = [];
Object.values(lang.pronouns).forEach(val => {
Object.values(val).forEach(v => {
if (!pronounsKnown.includes(v)){
const funkAndWagnalls = [...nounsKnown, ...pronounsKnown, ...wordsKnown, ...articlesKnown];
0: "a"
1: "about"
2: "active"
3: "again"
4: "an"
5: "anti"
6: "anticlockwise"
7: "ask"
8: "at"
9: "attach"
10: "back"
11: "behind"
12: "break"
13: "brief"
14: "burst"
15: "buy"
16: "check"
17: "chug"
18: "clear"
19: "clockwise"
20: "close"
21: "clue"
22: "consume"
23: "converse"
24: "credits"
25: "d"
26: "dark"
27: "deactivate"
28: "decant"
29: "del"
30: "delete"
31: "destroy"
32: "detach"
33: "dine"
34: "dir"
35: "directory"
36: "disable"
37: "discharge"
38: "dn"
39: "doff"
40: "don"
41: "down"
42: "drag"
43: "drink"
44: "drop"
45: "e"
46: "east"
47: "eat"
48: "empty"
49: "enable"
50: "enter"
51: "ex"
52: "exam"
53: "examine"
54: "exit"
55: "exits"
56: "fasten"
57: "feed"
58: "fill"
59: "follow"
60: "following"
61: "font"
62: "fonts"
63: "for"
64: "frm"
65: "from"
66: "g"
67: "get"
68: "give"
69: "go"
70: "goto"
71: "grab"
72: "guzzle"
73: "he"
74: "head"
75: "help"
76: "her"
77: "her"
78: "here"
79: "hers"
80: "herself"
81: "him"
82: "himself"
83: "hint"
84: "his"
85: "his"
86: "holler"
87: "how"
88: "i"
89: "I"
90: "imbibe"
91: "in"
92: "info"
93: "ing"
94: "ingest"
95: "ings"
96: "insert"
97: "inside"
98: "into"
99: "intro"
100: "inv"
101: "inventory"
102: "it"
103: "its"
104: "itself"
105: "knock"
106: "l"
107: "left"
108: "lie"
109: "listen"
110: "load"
111: "lock"
112: "look"
113: "lounge"
114: "ls"
115: "map"
116: "me"
117: "me"
118: "me"
119: "mine"
120: "mode"
121: "move"
122: "my"
123: "my"
124: "myself"
125: "n"
126: "ne"
127: "north"
128: "northeast"
129: "northwest"
130: "nw"
131: "o"
132: "of"
133: "off"
134: "offer"
135: "on"
136: "onto"
137: "oops"
138: "open"
139: "out"
140: "overwrite"
141: "ow"
142: "partake"
143: "peek"
144: "peer"
145: "pick"
146: "pierce"
147: "place"
148: "plain"
149: "pour"
150: "press"
151: "proffer"
152: "pronouns"
153: "pull"
154: "puncture"
155: "purchase"
156: "push"
157: "put"
158: "quaff"
159: "r"
160: "read"
161: "recline"
162: "reload"
163: "remove"
164: "restart"
165: "restore"
166: "right"
167: "rotate"
168: "s"
169: "save"
170: "say"
171: "scoop"
172: "score"
173: "scream"
174: "script"
175: "se"
176: "search"
177: "sell"
178: "sh"
179: "she"
180: "shift"
181: "shout"
182: "show"
183: "silent"
184: "sip"
185: "sit"
186: "smash"
187: "smell"
188: "sniff"
189: "some"
190: "south"
191: "southeast"
192: "southwest"
193: "speak"
194: "spoken"
195: "stand"
196: "stop"
197: "sw"
198: "swallow"
199: "swig"
200: "swill"
201: "switch"
202: "t"
203: "take"
204: "talk"
205: "tell"
206: "terse"
207: "the"
208: "their"
209: "theirs"
210: "them"
211: "themselves"
212: "they"
213: "through"
214: "tie"
215: "to"
216: "toggle"
217: "topics"
218: "transcript"
219: "turn"
220: "twist"
221: "u"
222: "under"
223: "undo"
224: "unfasten"
225: "unlock"
226: "untie"
227: "up"
228: "upon"
229: "use"
230: "verbose"
231: "version"
232: "w"
233: "wait"
234: "walk"
235: "walkthrough"
236: "warn"
237: "wear"
238: "west"
239: "what"
240: "when"
241: "where"
242: "whisper"
243: "who"
244: "why"
245: "widdershins"
246: "with"
247: "wt"
248: "x"
249: "yell"
250: "you"
251: "your"
252: "your"
253: "yours"
254: "yourself"
255: "z"
length: 256