[Solved] About QuestJS : list of functions avalaible for items / rooms

Dakin Quelia
01 Dec 2020, 14:31


I've an other question : are there a liste for functions for items / rooms ?

Example : openMsg() or / onOpen()

Thanks per advance.

Best regards

Richard Headkid
01 Dec 2020, 21:40


This should help:


Also, these are all the properties on my game's first room:

0: "name"
1: "pronouns"
2: "isAtLoc"
3: "isHere"
4: "isHeld"
5: "isHereOrHeld"
6: "countAtLoc"
7: "scopeSnapshot"
8: "canReachThrough"
9: "canSeeThrough"
10: "itemTaken"
11: "itemDropped"
12: "canTalkPlayer"
13: "getExits"
14: "hasExit"
15: "getWorn"
16: "moveToFrom"
17: "postLoad"
18: "templatePostLoad"
19: "preSave"
20: "templatePreSave"
21: "getSaveString"
22: "eventActive"
23: "eventCountdown"
24: "eventIsActive"
25: "doEvent"
26: "room"
27: "beforeEnter"
28: "beforeFirstEnter"
29: "afterEnter"
30: "afterEnterIf"
31: "afterEnterIfFlags"
32: "afterFirstEnter"
33: "onExit"
34: "visited"
35: "lightSource"
36: "description"
37: "examine"
38: "darkDescription"
39: "getContents"
40: "getRandomExit"
41: "findExit"
42: "setExitLock"
43: "setExitHide"
44: "getReverseExit"
45: "desc"
46: "up"
47: "alias"
48: "listalias"
49: "getListAlias"
50: "pluralAlias"
51: "verbFunctions"
52: "nameModifierFunctions"
53: "scopeStatusForRoom"
54: "scopeStatus"
55: "backgroundNames"

To get that list, I made a function:

function listItemAtts(obj){
	var keys = Object.keys(obj);
	var txt = '';
	var a = 0;
	for (var key in keys) {
		txt+=a.toString() + ": " + keys[a]+"<br/>";
	msg(obj.name + " PROPERTIES:");
	return keys;	

With the function in my code, I just opened the browser's console and entered listItemAtts(w.cellar).

(My room's name is "cellar".)

You could also code your game to call the function. I just felt it would be easier (and faster) to call it from the console.

Dakin Quelia
01 Dec 2020, 22:04

Oh thank you very much. :)

I've a last question about language items :


It's defined where ? Because in French Language, when we wear an equipment, we say : "Nous enfilons".

Richard Headkid
01 Dec 2020, 23:01


Does this help?


I honestly don't know how that stuff works.

If that link doesn't help, The Pixie will probably see this thread and help you out soon!

The Pixie
02 Dec 2020, 09:13

It is a text processor directive, that says we want a noun-verb, using the noun "char" is set to, the verb "put" and we want a capital at the start. This is defined in _text.js, and discussed here:

It uses lang.nounVerb (in lang-en.js), so to make it work in French, you need your own version of that (and in theory, you should not need to change the text processor). That is discussed here:

Dakin Quelia
02 Dec 2020, 16:20

Thank you very much. :)