Make Object
Doctor Agon
15 Mar 2024, 20:00Hi guys
So in my game, I have two objects, a 'snooker cue' and a 'rope'.
When the adventurer ties the 'rope' to the 'snooker cue', they make a 'fishing rod'. I have the 'fishing rod' set up as another object and move it to the player.
Now since the 'snooker cue' and 'rope' are now called 'fishing rod', I want to remove them from the inventory list, but still be able to interact with them should the adventurer want to untie the 'rope' from the 'snooker cue'.
I've tried making the 'fishing rod' a container and moving them into it but they still show up in the inventory.
I've tried making them invisible, but you can't interact with them then.
Any help is much appreciated.
15 Mar 2024, 20:37How about making the cue and rope invisible,( keeping it in inventory)when the creation of the rod takes place. Give the fishing rod a verb ‘dismantle’ .
If activated vanish the rod make visible cue and rope.
Doctor Agon
16 Mar 2024, 00:52I did try to make the cue and rope invisible, but i still want to interact with them.
You know they are part of the fishing rod, so
Examine rope
I cant see that (rope)
16 Mar 2024, 07:06What if you do as I said and also give the rod alternate names ‘cue’ and ‘rope’.
If you added an if statement to the rod description “
If fishing rod is reachable print “ The rope and cue are now parts of the fishing rod. “
Look at rope would give above message .
Any other command would follow what you wanted to do. Wouldn’t it?
If you added a hook then hook could be vanished and added to the alternate names
16 Mar 2024, 07:59If you make them invisible, you can allow the player to interact with them again by adding them to the background scope script (on the game's advanced scripts tab, I think). This allows you to manually override the list of items which are reachable; it affects most of the built-in commands, and the disambiguation prompt, but not the inventory/places and objects.
Off the top of my head, I think you'd want something like:
if (ListContains (items, rod)) {
list add (items, cue)
list add (items, rope)
Of course, just about all of the verbs for the two items would need to check for this use and give a different response