Strange Sound Issue with Saved Games

10 May 2023, 15:23

I have been using code for playing sounds provided by XanMag, which may have been given to him by KV, that allows for overlapping sound effects (file is text name of the sound file):

msg ("<audio autoplay><source src=\"" + GetFileURL(file + ".ogg") + "\" type=\"audio/ogg\" /><source src=\"" + GetFileURL(file + ".mp3") + "\" type=\"audio/mp3\"/>Your browser does not support the audio tag.</audio>")

That works well but I've noticed that if I save a game after recently playing sounds, they are all played at once on restarting even though the sounds have all finished before the save takes place! To show this I've set up a dummy game at:

This problem ONLY occurs when the game is downloaded and played locally. To try it out, use the sequence:

sound 1
sound 2
sound 3

Saving and resuming the same game online is fine.

Thoughts and wordarounds welcome!