When ever i use the 'eat' verb it says "You can't ... it." it does not say "i don't understand this command" or anything like that it just says i can't ... it, even tho the eat verb used to work.

24 Dec 2023, 22:21

Since creating the first object, i have added another object that can be eaten and it says the same thing. I added one before that that i realised was actually meant to be a 'drink' so i deleted the eat verb from it. I have tried using just verbs, I've tried using just the edible feature and I've tried using both at once none of it works, it all just comes up with "You can't ... it". I'm on the online version of Quest

25 Dec 2023, 00:22

If it says "You can't ... it", that means there is a verb that matches what the player entered, but the object foesn't have that verb.

Removing the verb from an object doesn't actually delete the verb. That's something that's quite hard to do with the online editor.

25 Dec 2023, 02:31

Thanks for the reply unfortunately all the objects I've tested this with have had the verb eat. I've even tried giving them the edible feature but it still says "You can't ... it" sorry

25 Dec 2023, 13:08

There must be a verb whose pattern matches eat but those objects don't have. If they do have an eat verb, that implies that there's a higher priority one that also matches the command.

If you can share the file (either publish it and give the link, or download the aslx file and put it on dropbox/pastebin/etc), we can probably find the stray verb.

Or you could use a temporary command to find a list of them:

foreach (verb, AllCommands()) {
  if (IsRegexMatch (verb.pattern, "eat object")) {
    msg("Verb found: " + verb.name)
    foreach (attr, GetAttributeNames(verb, false)) {
      msg (attr + ": " + GetAttribute(verb, attr))

That should print out a bunch of information about the verbs, which may be useful in debugging the problem further.