Scripts and cyrillic symbols

22 Feb 2024, 09:10

It seems like quest580 scripts aren't working if object names are in cyrillic.
I'm doing tutorial, and instead of a TV I'm using a fountain (фонтан), "if on/off" only works if I switch the name of an object to Latin symbols both in setup and script editor.
What do?
Edit: I have engine installed with proper support

22 Feb 2024, 09:56

Okay I figured it out. I need to use names in Latin and aliases in Cyrillic. I don't remember tutorial section about it, probably it didn't mention it, because, well, it expects me to do my first quest in English. My bad.

22 Feb 2024, 16:42

Most programming languages expect object/variable names to consist of ASCII letters, numbers, and underscore; and to start with a letter. Quest is a little more flexible (I believe it allows spaces and some accented letters), but this feature is horribly unreliable. It's safer to keep the names just using a-z, 0-9, and _.