status attributes text size

Jennifer Wren
07 Feb 2024, 16:47

Is there a way to change the size of text in the status attribute pane? It is really too small for my eyes, and everyone I talk to seems to agree it could at least look better larger.

07 Feb 2024, 22:51

You could do something like:

JS.setCss ("#statusVars", "font-size: 29px")

Note that this command will remain in effect as long as the game is open. Therefore you should put it in the "UI Initialisation" script (in the game's "Advanced Scripts" tab), so that it will run when the game starts and when a saved game is loaded. (I think you probably know this already… but other people searching for this issue later might not have done style stuff before)

Common units are px (not-actually-pixels, but near enough), cm or in (only accurate if the computer knows the physical size of its monitor), em (the width of a letter "m" in the default font - which means that it scales up if the user has set their browser to use bigger fonts), or vw/vh (percentage of the window width/height). All have their advantages and disadvantages.

Jennifer Wren
07 Feb 2024, 23:04

Amazing!!! Thanks for the help. It worked like a charm.