Timer not counting seconds? / status attribute value

Jennifer Wren
28 Mar 2023, 03:20

Tell me what isn't working. This is all guess work. I have ticked the "start when game starts" box. The player has all three attributes set to 0. The game has all three player.hrs, player.mins, and player.secs, as status attributes. Default value gave me the attribute name and no number. anything else I typed in (+!+ for instance) gave me exactly what I had typed as if it were in quotation marks.
if (player.hrs = 13) {
MoveObject (player, room)
else if (player.secs = 59) {
if (player.mins = 59) {
player.hrs = player.hrs + 1
player.mins = 0
player.secs = 0
else {
player.mins = player.mins + 1
player.secs = 0
else {
player.secs = player.secs + 1

Jennifer Wren
28 Mar 2023, 03:30

I just realized I needed to put the status attribution into player, not game, and not worry about "player.".
Everything works, now.