Boolean Dictionary and Status pane?

Ip Man
18 May 2023, 17:12

Having a lot of fun on concept development with my perspectives/classes and key objects to the 8 realms. Now I've opened myself up to a dual/multi-class system as people find they meet reqs to "upgrade" via various mechanisms.

So I'm wondering now if there's a way to get the Status pane to display the one out of the various flags which equal a player's particular mix of flags.

I'm thinking along the lines of a dictionary that has the boolean status (possible?) and then the status pane would read and display whichever was true?

Also, if this turns out to be possible, then that dictionary can double as dramatically simplifying some of my other functions (like "perspectives" which checks player's flags and then chooses the xdesc script which matches to display on look, etc.) If instead of a formula, it just had to check what the player's current true flag is, that would also be simpler.

But then this means I'm ultimately planning an intensive function(s) to calculate and change player and pov "class" flag based on stat, object, and decision conditions.

I can almost see this happening though. But for just now, I'm curious about displaying the player's true flag out of a large set in status. Is that part of it doable?

Please and thanks for any useful tips!

if anyone is curious about my many "perspectives/classes" then feel free to message me in the emails.