Is There a List of Hard-Coded Functions Anywhere?

11 Sept 2024, 04:16


Does anyone know of a list of the hard-coded functions (like GetObject())?

...or which file to check in the source code?

12 Sept 2024, 22:43

...or which file to check in the source code?

I'm no C# guru; but they all seem to be defined in quest/WorldModel/WorldModel/Functions/ExpressionOwner.cs. Most of those functions just call some function provided elsewhere, but I think that's all of them.

13 Sept 2024, 01:46

Thank you.

I've looked for this quite a few times, but I for some reason never thought to search in WorldModel.

13 Sept 2024, 15:39

I've looked for this quite a few times, but I for some reason never thought to search in WorldModel.

I took a while to find it, because some part of me was expecting it to be one function per file, like the script commands. I didn't actually remember where it was, so just searched for the definition of GetDirectChildren.

13 Sept 2024, 19:06

some part of me was expecting it to be one function per file, like the script commands

Same here.

I didn't actually remember where it was, so just searched for the definition of GetDirectChildren.

That was the golden ticket! I was searching for GetObject, and the results were ... abundant, haha.

13 Sept 2024, 23:08

I think GetObject would have worked, if you're just searching function definitions. But I remembered from last time I looked that the functions to get children lists are actually implemented there, rather than calling a similar function from a different file. So I was confident that would only find one or two matches.