Sounds aren't playing in Quest (Windows off-line version)

Big Game
14 Nov 2024, 17:41

Hello! I'm creating my first game and right now I have a Hub room where I want music to be played. I created a script in "Scripts/After entering the room:", but no sound is heard when I start and play the game. How can this be fixed?

15 Nov 2024, 04:13


Can we see the script?

The best way to help us help you would be posting the code that isn't working. :)

(If you need help finding and/or sharing the code, that is common. Just say the word, and we will help you out.)

Big Game
16 Nov 2024, 02:32
    <inherit name="editor_room" />
    <isroom />
    <usedefaultprefix type="boolean">false</usedefaultprefix>
    <prefix type="string"></prefix>
    <exitslistprefix type="string"></exitslistprefix>
    <objectslistprefix>{=WriteVerb(game.pov, "can")} see</objectslistprefix>
    <enter type="script">
      play sound ("MARSHALL COLLEGE HUB AMBIENT.mp3", false, true)
    <object name="player">
      <inherit name="editor_object" />
      <inherit name="editor_player" />

Big Game
16 Nov 2024, 02:38

Of course. This is the script section of the game's object that works as the Hub.

16 Nov 2024, 14:23


That code should work (as long as the player isn't moved from that room by a script before play begins).

If you:

  • open Quest
  • click Tools
    • select Options

Is the "Play sounds" box checked?


Also, you probably know this already, but be sure the .mp3 file is in the game folder along with Sound Check.aslx.

Oh, and I used the same code you posted (with a different audio file, of course) to make sure things worked in a test game.

If you'd like to use this to test things with a game and a file that definitely work together in Quest to play the audio on my Windows 10 machine:

Big Game
16 Nov 2024, 15:17

I have just played the Sound Check.aslx you sent me. It opened properly but no sound can be heard. I also put that aslx inside my game folder as you told me, but I'm still not hearing any sound. The Play sounds option is active. (I have Windows 10 by the way)

16 Nov 2024, 16:01

The Play sounds option is active. (I have Windows 10 by the way)


I also put that aslx inside my game folder as you told me, but I'm still not hearing any sound.

Oh, sorry, I meant make sure the MP3 and the ASLX (game file) are in the same folder.


Hrmm... Just trying to think what could possibly help...

If you used the GUI to do it when you created the play sound script, you would have had to Browse for the audio file and select it, which would then copy that MP3 to your game's folder automatically.

However, if you wrote the script in code view, you would need to manually copy your MP3 file into that game's folder.

16 Nov 2024, 16:10

I published that test game. So, the audio is definitely packaged up and in the proper place.


See if this plays the audio when played on your computer. This should rule out a few possibilities, either way.

Big Game
16 Nov 2024, 19:53

I have just started Sound but neither worked.

17 Nov 2024, 01:04

I have just started Sound but neither worked.

Well, I assume you've directly played an MP3 to make sure the media player in your computer will successfully play MP3s and that your speakers are working, haha.


Quest uses Windows Media Player in the background to play MP3 audio in the desktop player. It could have something to do with that, maybe.

Also, there might be a file named "debug.log" in the same folder as your game. If there is, I probably won't be able to decipher it, but someone else around here would be able to.

I also seem to remember someone having this issue because their Windows user account didn't have the proper permissions. (If you are the only one who uses the computer, I doubt this would be the case.)