Center Typewriter Text?

12 Apr 2023, 03:36

The only topic I can find of this issue is one from 2016, and I know since then several features have been revamped.

So in 2023, is it possible to center the typewriter text? I am at a loss.

12 Apr 2023, 21:08

So... I ended up making a new typewrite function for Quest that will do the same things as the regular typewrite but center. Enjoy!

Name: TextFX_Typewriter_Center
Return Type: None
Parameters: (text, speed) these are listed separately in the GUI Editor

SetAlignment ("center")
TextFX_Typewriter_Internal (text, speed, GetCurrentFontFamily(), game.defaultforeground, game.defaultfontsize)
SetAlignment ("left")

This then works like the PrintCentered command in the GUI editor.