First attempt at combining all of my favourite Libraries into the core error

Ip Man
03 Oct 2023, 03:02

Truthfully, I am pleased that after spending hours of copying and pasting Library elements from all of my favourite libraries into the Quest Core, I received such a short list of errors. But I'm not 100% sure what they mean.

All 5 of my errors start with:

  • Missing '=' in dictionary element

In the Middle:
they give a string that I could search in the code and probably find something. 2 out of 5 are the names of types. the other 3 look like part of a function and say the same thing:
'give a message if it cannot be turned on (eg requires power or repair)'

And each error ends with something that looks like an expected location:
in 'editor612.types'
in 'editor613.types'
in 'editor995.validvalues'
in 'editor1006.validvalues'
in 'editor1016.validvalues'

My guess is that it means the 5 items are pasted into the core in either the wrong order, or the wrong file.
I can easily guess that I should move those two types to somewhere else. I'll start by checking that they're after the regular npc type in the CoreTypes file, but if they are, then maybe they need to be moved into a file that's loaded later, or need to be in the same file which has the functions referencing them?

As for the "give a message" and "validvalues" errors, I'm really not sure at all but maybe when I search for them, finding out what the whole function is and where i've pasted it to will help...

in the mean time, does anyone feel like giving a go at translating the errors?

  • Missing '=' in dictionary element 'give a message if it cannot be turned on (eg requires power or repair)' in 'editor995.validvalues'

That's an example of one whole error.

Ip Man
03 Oct 2023, 04:15

Hmmm. interesting. It wasn't a function, but Templates for Editor objects in the English Language file:

Line  477:   <template name="EditorObjectOptionsCannotswitchon">Leave blank to allow the object to be turned on; give a message if it cannot be turned on (eg requires power or repair)</template>  
Line  501:   <template name="EditorObjectOptionsCannotswitchon">Leave blank to allow the object to be turned on - give a message if it cannot be turned on (eg requires power or repair)</template>    
Line  662:   <template name="EditorObjectOptionsCannotswitchon">Leave blank to allow the object to be turned on - give a message if it cannot be turned on (eg requires power or repair)</template>

These appear to be "missing" something in a dictionary element? But I'm not sure what that means. Following the pattern of other Tab elements in editors that use brackets instead of normal strings, these three would belong in the EditorEnglish file so that the Tab grabs the info from there...

I could remove the brackets and paste in the actual string for the label instead, then it wouldn't need an English template, but that doesn't help me figure out exactly what's happened. And the Types would still be a mystery... Although... it's probably also a tab that's trying to find the type then.... hmmm

hmmm. these 5 things all have in common that they're being referenced in editor tabs... but what's special about them vs the other ones that are all working?

they also have in common that they use special characters... I wonder if I remove the semicolon and the dashes from the templates? Let me see if that clears up those 3 errors...

Nope, that didn't do it...

Ip Man
03 Oct 2023, 04:36

I did find these templates referenced in CoreEditorScriptsScripts.aslx

I put them there, because they're from Eight One's Libraries. It's part of "UseAllround" I believe.

All of Eight One's other libraries I added the same way as this one to the core, but only this one, and only this particular subset of this one is having an issue.

Line 382:       <validvalues type="simplestringdictionary">"look"=[EditorGameSetup]: [EditorObjectOptionsLookatobject]; "listalias"=[EditorObjectObjectObject]: [EditorObjectObjectAliastodisplay]; "takemsg"=[EditorObjectInventoryInventory]: [EditorObjectInventoryTakemessage]; "dropmsg"=[EditorObjectInventoryInventory]: [EditorObjectInventoryDropmessage]; "openmsg"=[EditorObjectContainerContainer]: [EditorObjectContainerMessagetoprint]; "closemsg"=[EditorObjectContainerContainer]: [EditorObjectContainerMessagetoprint2]; "nokeymessage"=[EditorObjectContainerContainer]: [EditorObjectContainerIftheplayer]; "unlockmessage"=[EditorObjectContainerContainer]: [EditorObjectContainerUnlockmessage]; "lockmessage"=[EditorObjectContainerContainer]: [EditorObjectContainerLockmessage]; "wearmsg"=[EditorObjectWearableWearable]: [EditorObjectWearableWearMessage]; "removemsg"=[EditorObjectWearableWearable]: [EditorObjectWearableRemoveMessage]; "switchonmsg"=[EditorObjectOptionsSwitchable]: [EditorObjectOptionsMessagetoprint]; "switchoffmsg"=[EditorObjectOptionsSwitchable]: [EditorObjectOptionsMessagetoprint2]; "cannotswitchon"=[EditorObjectOptionsSwitchable]: [EditorObjectOptionsCannotswitchon]; "switchedondesc"=[EditorObjectOptionsSwitchable]: [EditorObjectOptionsExtraobject]; "switchedoffdesc"=[EditorObjectOptionsSwitchable]: [EditorObjectOptionsExtraobject2]; "eatmsg"=[EditorObjectOptionsEdible]: [EditorObjectOptionsMessageEat]; "pov_look"=[EditorObjectOptionsPlayer]: [EditorObjectOptionsLookatobject];</validvalues>
Line 463:       <validvalues type="simplestringdictionary">"look"=[EditorGameSetup]: [EditorObjectOptionsLookatobject]; "listalias"=[EditorObjectObjectObject]: [EditorObjectObjectAliastodisplay]; "takemsg"=[EditorObjectInventoryInventory]: [EditorObjectInventoryTakemessage]; "ontake"=[EditorObjectInventoryInventory]: [EditorObjectInventoryAftertaking]; "take"=[EditorObjectInventoryInventory]: [EditorObjectInventoryTake]; "dropmsg"=[EditorObjectInventoryInventory]: [EditorObjectInventoryDropmessage]; "ondrop"=[EditorObjectInventoryInventory]: [EditorObjectInventoryAfterdropping]; "drop"=[EditorObjectInventoryInventory]: [EditorObjectInventoryDrop]; "openmsg"=[EditorObjectContainerContainer]: [EditorObjectContainerMessagetoprint]; "closemsg"=[EditorObjectContainerContainer]: [EditorObjectContainerMessagetoprint2]; "onopen"=[EditorObjectContainerContainer]: [EditorObjectContainerAfteropening]; "onclose"=[EditorObjectContainerContainer]: [EditorObjectContainerAfterclosing]; "addscript"=[EditorObjectContainerContainer]: [EditorObjectContainerAddScript]; "nokeymessage"=[EditorObjectContainerContainer]: [EditorObjectContainerIftheplayer]; "unlockmessage"=[EditorObjectContainerContainer]: [EditorObjectContainerUnlockmessage]; "lockmessage"=[EditorObjectContainerContainer]: [EditorObjectContainerLockmessage]; "onlock"=[EditorObjectContainerContainer]: [EditorObjectContainerAfterlocking]; "onunlock"=[EditorObjectContainerContainer]: [EditorObjectContainerAfterunlocking]; "wearmsg"=[EditorObjectWearableWearable]: [EditorObjectWearableWearMessage]; "removemsg"=[EditorObjectWearableWearable]: [EditorObjectWearableRemoveMessage]; "switchonmsg"=[EditorObjectOptionsSwitchable]: [EditorObjectOptionsMessagetoprint]; "switchoffmsg"=[EditorObjectOptionsSwitchable]: [EditorObjectOptionsMessagetoprint2]; "cannotswitchon"=[EditorObjectOptionsSwitchable]: [EditorObjectOptionsCannotswitchon]; "switchedondesc"=[EditorObjectOptionsSwitchable]: [EditorObjectOptionsExtraobject]; "switchedoffdesc"=[EditorObjectOptionsSwitchable]: [Edi ...
Line 531:       <validvalues type="simplestringdictionary">"look"=[EditorGameSetup]: [EditorObjectOptionsLookatobject]; "listalias"=[EditorObjectObjectObject]: [EditorObjectObjectAliastodisplay]; "takemsg"=[EditorObjectInventoryInventory]: [EditorObjectInventoryTakemessage]; "ontake"=[EditorObjectInventoryInventory]: [EditorObjectInventoryAftertaking]; "take"=[EditorObjectInventoryInventory]: [EditorObjectInventoryTake]; "dropmsg"=[EditorObjectInventoryInventory]: [EditorObjectInventoryDropmessage]; "ondrop"=[EditorObjectInventoryInventory]: [EditorObjectInventoryAfterdropping]; "drop"=[EditorObjectInventoryInventory]: [EditorObjectInventoryDrop]; "openmsg"=[EditorObjectContainerContainer]: [EditorObjectContainerMessagetoprint]; "closemsg"=[EditorObjectContainerContainer]: [EditorObjectContainerMessagetoprint2]; "onopen"=[EditorObjectContainerContainer]: [EditorObjectContainerAfteropening]; "onclose"=[EditorObjectContainerContainer]: [EditorObjectContainerAfterclosing]; "addscript"=[EditorObjectContainerContainer]: [EditorObjectContainerAddScript]; "nokeymessage"=[EditorObjectContainerContainer]: [EditorObjectContainerIftheplayer]; "unlockmessage"=[EditorObjectContainerContainer]: [EditorObjectContainerUnlockmessage]; "lockmessage"=[EditorObjectContainerContainer]: [EditorObjectContainerLockmessage]; "onlock"=[EditorObjectContainerContainer]: [EditorObjectContainerAfterlocking]; "onunlock"=[EditorObjectContainerContainer]: [EditorObjectContainerAfterunlocking]; "wearmsg"=[EditorObjectWearableWearable]: [EditorObjectWearableWearMessage]; "removemsg"=[EditorObjectWearableWearable]: [EditorObjectWearableRemoveMessage]; "switchonmsg"=[EditorObjectOptionsSwitchable]: [EditorObjectOptionsMessagetoprint]; "switchoffmsg"=[EditorObjectOptionsSwitchable]: [EditorObjectOptionsMessagetoprint2]; "cannotswitchon"=[EditorObjectOptionsSwitchable]: [EditorObjectOptionsCannotswitchon]; "switchedondesc"=[EditorObjectOptionsSwitchable]: [EditorObjectOptionsExtraobject]; "switchedoffdesc"=[EditorObjectOptionsSwitchable]: [Edi ...

You can see that there are many things referenced as "ValidValues," but only the one particular one is having an issue.

Ip Man
04 Oct 2023, 01:45

It actually was from "RunObjectCase"

I found the editor tab, and it looked like it was designed to be placed in CoreEditorScriptsObjects instead of CoreEditorScriptsScripts. So I moved it.

The new error lines are exactly the same for those 3 "validvalues" lines, only the numeral designation for the editor has changed:


So I cheated and simply added those 3 lines from "English" to the editor file itself directly and it cleaned up those 3 errors. Now I only have the two types to work on...

Ip Man
04 Oct 2023, 03:02

The error was that I didn't actually have
"Compliant=compliant_npc" and "Posturing=posturing_npc" in the dropdown.

Fixing that cleared the error... but then quest crashes. So now I have to get busy finding which file in the "new" core causes it. Tedious, but possible.

Ip Man
05 Oct 2023, 01:59

Sleeping Helps.

I had "Copied" over the RunObjectCase editor from CoreEditorScriptsScripts to CoreEditorScriptsObjects!
I needed to delete it from CoreEditorScriptsScripts.

now it loads perfectly.

I'm going to spend some time testing my new "core3" set before I look at ways to add some of the things Pixie has us add during game setup when installing the libraries. Just to make sure everything really does work as expected.

(Core2 BTW was just a simple integration of only Pixie's tabs to the "features" tabs so they could be hidden/unhidden with a checkbox.) Instructions for that are in the Libraries and code samples section.

Also, I hope everything is going well with MrAngel. I originally posted my errors here because he's really good with errors.

I'll let you know once "Core3" is polished and tested over in one of the other forums. Probably Libraries and Code Samples. I call them by numbers because they're kept separate from the original in my files by having renamed them. Everything called under the "core" is renamed with a version number. That way "CoreEditorObjectSetup", and also 2, and 3 are all in my "core" file, and if I want to go back to the original, I just have to open "Core" and delete the numerals from the ends of the file names.

Here's hoping that at least some of this rambling share has been interesting or useful to someone.