Sorry, your session has expired and the game has finished.

05 Dec 2023, 10:43

Not sure why but my game 'Where is everyone?' that seemed to be working just fine when I last checked a couple of months ago is now having this odd issue where by after just making one or two actions the game abruptly ends and I get a message saying "Sorry, your session has expired and the game has finished" has anyone else had this?

Jennifer Wren
05 Dec 2023, 16:57

This is a coincidence! I was just about to complain that my game "Slew of Despond 2: Two Ships in One Night" no longer lasts more than a few seconds at a time, when I really must say, I prefer a more leisurely game pace, myself, and that game also used to play more usefully. So, I have had this.
I hope more money and people will come to the protectors of Quest Text Adventures, and that major repairs to whatever needs to be repaired one day has everything in working condition either again, or for the first time, whichever is needed.
I'm so glad you posted this thread. I sometimes feel like I'm living off the grid.

05 Dec 2023, 21:24

Yep the website is definitely going through something right now. Can barely get 10 second without it saying "Sorry, your session has expired and the game has finished."

05 Dec 2023, 21:25

I think everyone trying to play online is affected by this issue.

06 Dec 2023, 20:05

*Phew - Thanks for the responses guys, for a moment there I thought my game had spontaneously gone off the rails