Why No Map on phone?

Jennifer Wren
23 Feb 2024, 00:39

Some of this game depends on the map. I am wondering if I could get the map onto the phone at least in the area of location, exits, inventory, and more etc.

04 Mar 2024, 11:21

It looks like a lot of people have had problems getting Paper to work on mobile; although I would hope that any issues have been fixed in more recent versions.

To get the map on mobile, I suspect that the first step would be tracking down where the JS checks if it's on mobile; and adding it to a tab. Then we can see if it actually works. If not, the next step would probably be attempting to get Quest to run with a newer version of Paper.

[For clarity: Paper.js is the drawing library Quest uses to draw the map]

Jennifer Wren
05 Mar 2024, 01:58

Thanks. That's neat. I' ll keep my fingers crossed.