Can't play games?

19 Sept 2023, 16:12

So Suddenly when trying to play games on my phone (through the site of course) it just shows a runtime error, no matter what game i tried playing

19 Sept 2023, 16:46

That normally means the server is down; but it seems to be working for me, so it's likely somebody already corrected it.

Jackson the Emperor
20 Sept 2023, 03:43

Yeah, this is becoming a problem. There’s also frequent session expirations that occur after barely a minute.

21 Sept 2023, 17:37

i have the same problem all the time with these servers. so during these periods of server breakdowns, i play other game like diablo immortal or wow on pc. btw u can find something usefull here

21 Sept 2023, 22:52

I also can't play anything but it sometimes gives me a runtime error or a "this site cannot be reached " since I'm using a fire tablet