Quest browser Vs Quest download

21 Dec 2016, 18:43

I'm noticing an awful lot of new members are starting their threads by explaining they're using the online version of Quest, and I'd be interested to hear why.

I'm not sure of the differences and how up-to-date the web version is compared to the download, but it strikes me as odd that so many prefer to risk storing their work on a server when they could have a hard copy on their PCs. Of course with the growth in mobiles and tablets this may be a reason (although I couldn't imagine trying to create a game on either of those devises) but why wouldn't you want to use the desktop version?

21 Dec 2016, 19:09

I could be wrong here, but I think Quest does not work on a Mac? Thus, Quest users can use their mobile devices to still create games. Correct me if I am wrong here, please.

21 Dec 2016, 19:55

I don't follow. Why are you assuming all these people are Mac users?

Abigail Storm
21 Dec 2016, 20:26

I am a mac user, and as such, cannot use downloaded quest, although I think my dad might have a PC that just might work.

The Pixie
21 Dec 2016, 20:46

I think it is just easier to get started typing into a web site, rather than downloading and installing software.


Have you considered using a PC emulator? I have no experiece of them, but I know they exist; I would be interested to hear if they work at all.

22 Dec 2016, 06:48

I don't follow. Why are you assuming all these people are Mac users?

It's not an assumption that all of them are. It's one plausible reason. Linux users like me would have the same issue. There is, of course, the option of running Windows software in Wine -- the TADS 3 Workbench for example runs that way, usably if imperfectly -- but with Quest there's another snag: it's written in .NET, and therefore requires a suitable runtime. Which by default only exists... on Windows.

And yeah, running stuff in the browser is just quicker, too.

22 Dec 2016, 18:11

It's only initially quicker, but I see the point.

31 Jan 2017, 05:30

I personally like the downloaded version better, both because you have the complete game saved as a hard copy on your PC and because, or the last I have heard, it has more options or at least easier options to work with.

However I am finding I wished there was a cell phone app of Quest in all it's glory. Many more people spend time on the internet on their cell phones, then on a PC. Even if it is just casual surfing the web. I would really appreciate the ease of use of just pulling the phone out of my pocket on a break or just when the mood takes me and making a few rooms or what not.

I assume that can be done using the web browser even though it is still not an app with all work saved on my phone, but still none the less a work around. So far it seems to work, although for what ever reason when I click "settings" the pop up box permanently stays just out of reach no matter how far I zoom out or try to drag the screen. :(

31 Jan 2017, 12:57

The mere thought of trying to work on Quest games on my phone fills me with horror, but each to their own.

31 Jan 2017, 21:01

A PC or Laptop to me is an inconvenience for the majority of the day.  Even at home I find (mine anyway) it restricting.  Provided everything is on equal footing for all possible commands and no lag (I assume there is lag on the web version because my connection sucks. ^_^) I would most probably use Quest 100% on the phone.

I am not the fastest typer and I do not write code anyway, so most everything is drop boxed in regardless.  If optomized for the cell phone it would be perfect. Height with proper zoom, scrolling and full use of all commands and functions. Even backwards compatible with the PC version would be even better, either by emailing the game/code over, memory card, link cable, etc. for when people can actually sit down to a bigger machine for a while, then reupload back to the phone for on the go functionality.

I think it has been a long time coming. There are already MUD clients that work decently well and Quest would be the first text adventure game maker for the cell phones that I am aware of and if it's just like the PC version would be the best.

But like you said not everyone will feel comfortable on a cell phone, but not everyone will feel comfortable on the PC either. Also a lot of people who do have internet on their cell phones, do not always have it at their home PC or laptop. And even more people would be able to experience the real Quest and more games created, played, rated, etc.

01 Feb 2017, 03:46

I prefer the downloaded version, it has the most functionality and is the easiest to move around. I don't have to worry about an internet connection, I don't have limited functionality, everything is right there in the code and can run on basically any computer. Just take a download of Quest and Notepad++ with you and a copy of your game and viola --- you can make your game practically anywhere! There's my two cents :)
