Any simple examples I can download?
09 Apr 2018, 12:16Hi guys/gals,
Very new to Quest. So far I've managed to create rooms, move between them, create biscuits, eat them, but no wrapper are produced after :/
Don't want to pester forum with every single snag I hit along the way, so wonder if there are any simple example games which show off the basic features, like: take, drop, destroy, second object being created when first is eaten, timer and health stats, combining items (like two bronze keys to make a super-key)?
Hope I haven't asked a totally noob question, don't want to give away the fact that I never got the babel fish, without help :)
09 Apr 2018, 12:48
You can check this out. Unfortunately, I don't think it is possible to attach files to this forum any longer, so if you want the .aslx file, which is no problem, I can send it to you via email or provide an alternative link. Having the .aslx file is super useful because you can open it in quest and see the interface and all that.
Heads up, though! This is NOT real user friendly. It is basically ALL of the tips and tricks that I have accumulated over the years and I still often refer to it for reference when I get stuck.
If you type 'explain' or 'explain [object]' in the rooms, it will explain to you how to do most of the stuff.
You have been warned!
09 Apr 2018, 14:19don't want to give away the fact that I never got the babel fish, without help
Don't feel bad. I finally got it without help, but it took me 10 years (collectively).
The first time I played through, I didn't know the game could be rendered unwinnable, and I wandered around with no Babel fish for quite a while before I realized I might need to restart the game.
Anyway, most of things you're asking for are in XM's example.
If not, just post any questions. There are no stupid questions, and we love to help.
09 Apr 2018, 14:50Here. You can locate the .aslx file (along with my other games) here.
09 Apr 2018, 17:05Thanks XM, successfully downloaded the .aslx file and had a quick look. Will try and be patient as I work my way though it :) For me, this is the best way to learn, rather than reading pages and pages of documentation. Would much rather have something that's working, then tweak it to find out how it does what it does.
Thanks again :)
09 Apr 2018, 17:11Thanks KV, for offer of help. Just at the early stages, want to get a feel for Quest. Not planning to anything too fancy, but if I hit a snag I'll ask for help ;)
10 Apr 2018, 01:48@ PB268:
ask away, everyone has tons of questions and while its a small community, we're very helpful and friendly, and in helping others with their problems, we get better too (practice/challenge), and also, your questions are 99% of the time, what everyone else is struggling to understand/do, as well, hehe.
When trying to make a game and/or code, by definition, you're going to have infinite difficulties and questions and needing-help, and spend 90% of your time trouble-shooting mistakes in your code/game, lol. Welcome to the world of programming (and game making), lol
and here's a quick guide on getting started:
ask if you need help with anything! don't be shy or think you're bugging us... we understand that game making and coding/programming is very difficult, and that infinite questions / needing help, is the NORM, and will gladly help you with any and all issues/questions that you've got! We're small, but a very helpful and friendly, community, here at quest, hehe :D
I personally found quest, knowing ZERO of game making and coding/programming, and thanks to quest and this community, I am now taking programming classes in college, and the first classes were a total breeze, I was so shocked at how much I learned of coding and programming from/with quest and its wonderful users/moderators/community here! :D
So, if I can do it, anyone can! I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, and even I have made great progress (at least for myself), despite being stupid, and hating/horrible at math, lol.
10 Apr 2018, 07:54I second what Hegemonkhan just said (although I've learned about 0.00001% of what Hege now can do.)
I started out a couple of weeks ago with absolutely zero knowledge about programming and by reading the quest documentation
(found here!) and asking tons of questions on the forum I've learned a LOT.
The active people are really extremely helpful in here. They're input is invaluable!
So do like I did. Read, try and ask!
Oh, and have fun! =)