Name for my Game?

03 Mar 2018, 07:42

Finally! My game 'The United States of Zombies' Really good game btw is getting a update. I'm probably going to publish a new one, so everyone can see it. It's halfway through production, and suddenly I feel that the name is too weird.

So, I'm gonna need a few ideas for the name. Here a brief overview, enjoy-

So, you're Sean. A 20 year-old human. You're currently working in charge of the deliveries in "Old MacDonald's Kitchen", a fast food chain.

Suddenly, late at night a virus scientifically known as the Necroliosis Virus mutated. Causing every affected person to become the "Living Dead" or Zombies.

You and your surviving friends venture out into the peri-apocalyptic world.

You might survive or die, all depending on your choices.

This is very long, and I mean it. It's kinda like a novel, with choices.


P.S, if I update my game, will it show up on the latest games section or will I have to publish a new one so everyone can see?


03 Mar 2018, 11:44

You don't need to publish a new game. Just change its access rights so everyone can see it.

If you have the creative ability to write a game, you probably have the ability to dream up a reasonable title! Happy to offer a suggestion, however. As zombies, food and humour are involved what about "Deadpan"? Is there a prize? :)

06 Mar 2018, 08:30

How do you change the games access rights so everyone can see it? I'm new to Quest!

I may have the ability to write a amazing game, but I'm sure, I still won't be able to name even my child. I think I'll post a forum titled, "Name for my child? He's a boy!". lol.

"Deadpan" seems good. Though, I'll need a few more options!

06 Mar 2018, 21:47

Is it United States of Zombies? That sounds like a good name.

United Zombies of America?

United ZOMBIES of America?

Lol, idk.

06 Mar 2018, 22:17

United States of Azombica!

10 Mar 2018, 13:27

HA! These are funny! But, I need something a bit different than my original name.

12 Mar 2018, 04:07


not sure if technically 'ghouls' are 'zombies' ... but usually in rpgs, a 'ghoul' is a 'zombie'

UniteDead Slaves of Amerzombica!

13 Mar 2018, 01:32

Deadpan: United Zombies of Azombia!

15 Mar 2018, 01:19

It's A World of Zombies Now

Undead Country

Another Freaking Apocalypse Game

Those are some names I might choose.

P.S. I like your story! It's cool, and I'll probably write a review for it soon...


15 Mar 2018, 02:40

Fast Food and Zombies

(This is not as good as Deadpan.)

15 Mar 2018, 12:36

Nice, got a lot of ideas, I am thinking maybe. Honey I ate the Kids, or something?

MythicalFlyingTurtle, sure I'll check your game out. Also, my reviews aren't mostly bad, so I'm sorry if I say something negative.

Miguel Ángel Cabo Galguera
16 Mar 2018, 20:47

Steamed cheese zombie.
A zombie just ate my burger.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the zombies.
100% dead bovine steak.
Sean delivers, zombie not pay.
Caution: may contain human meat.

And all sorts of puns around the idea of fast food and zombies. And remember, folks: if a zombie eats your brain, delivery is free!

17 Mar 2018, 05:11

'Honey, I ate the kids', haha haha, that's a good one! (play on the old 'honey, I, shrunk / blew-up, the kids' movies, for us older timers, lol)

17 Mar 2018, 09:19

Miguel Ángel Cabo Galguera, 'Sean deliver, zombie not pay', seems like a good one. I think I'll have to choose between mine and yours. If anyone has any other ideas, feel free to post them here.

17 Mar 2018, 23:27

Someone please explain "Sean delivers, zombie not pay." to me. Is it a movie reference?

20 Mar 2018, 06:47

if it is, I'd like to know which movie it references!

Miguel Ángel Cabo Galguera
20 Mar 2018, 15:20

Not really, it was just a random sentence that popped into my head. I was just toying around with zombie and food puns while I was waiting for my pizza to be delivered and I couldn't help myself :P

21 Mar 2018, 10:24

it's... the 'PSA-Virus!' ('PSA' for Pizza), lol. This special pizza... turns you into the undead/zombie, lol

wait is pizza pronunced with a 'z' or a 's'... hmm...



hmm... I think it's an 'S'... usually how I say/prununce pizza.. lol.

Actually... I kinda combine the 'S' and 'Z'... when I say pizza, it's not quite a 'S' sound, nor a 'Z' sound, but a blend of them, lol

never really payed attention to how I and others pronunce pizza, lol

(this is a very important question for HK, as he loves his pizza, so he's got to figure out how it's commonly pronounced, lol!)

The Pixie
21 Mar 2018, 10:33

I pronounce it "peetsa" personally.

21 Mar 2018, 11:59

ya, that sounds like how 'pizza' sounds, lol. putting that 'T' in, does make it sound like 'pizza', lol.

After all these years of eating and saying 'pizza', this is my first time actually paying attention to how I've pronounced it (many different ways, lol) and others have (many different ways), lol. Never realized there's so many subtle ways of pronouncing 'pizza', lol.

I think this is how I pronounce pizza:

peeT-SzA // the 'z' being a very subtle/soft/light 'z' sound (can just barely hear it)

thanks for the post about the 'T'... didn't realize that I do pronounce it with a 'T' in it, lol.

02 Apr 2018, 07:14

How ‘bout “Za’ Virus”? Cuz pizza, and za’ and viruses?

02 Apr 2018, 07:33

Guess, I’m gonna need to create a new forum titled, “How do YOU pronounce ‘pizza’?”.

I’m gonna get a lot of recognition!! lol

I personally used to call it Peezaa but recently I changed to Peetsza, just like ya’ll!

02 Apr 2018, 07:33

Didn’t know pizzas were the new trend!

02 Apr 2018, 07:36

Also, I’m a bit confused on Deadpan. Do you mean a Cooking Pan which is dead? Or something else!? Please do explain it to me!

02 Apr 2018, 13:48

Google 'deadpan' and if you are still confused I'll spell it out...

02 Apr 2018, 13:50

Oh, seems like I was never told about this amazing word!

02 Apr 2018, 13:51

Oh, seems like I was never told about this amazing word!

02 Apr 2018, 14:46

...glad I brought it to your attention!

02 Apr 2018, 23:17

You are welcome

10 Apr 2018, 12:37

Thank you, to everyone who took part in this Post and helped me out using 'Brain Cells'. I am very grateful to your help provided over the span of 31 days. I have chosen a few names for my game, but as I have told before it is still in the making.

As for the reward for the Participators you will get the latest updates about my game, and/or, any other games I release. You will be the lucky few to get a Update Date and Link to the game directly to your '' account! (the mail sign on the top)

Thank you, once again for your support, and I hope to finish my game soon!

Have a great Summer/Winter!

10 Apr 2018, 14:40

For your next project here's a little tip. Name your game after your main character and then add a short description as the under title. It always works for me :D
(My game is called "BRO the Youtuber - the extraordinarily stupid tale of a former content chaser")

(( In all fairness: I guess this tip is only valid if you don't care whether your game will be taken seriously or not.))

(( I do... so maybe I need to change the name of my game. ))