Popular text adventures to start playing?

Castor Clamwhistler
16 Oct 2021, 18:14

Hello everybody. I've been wanting to start playing some text adventures. I take the bus a lot and want something to keep me occupied while I'm in transit. Could you guys recommend me some popular text adventure games on this website to start off with? Thanks in advance to those with suggestion.

18 Oct 2021, 07:57

Here's a top 100 list from the Interactive Fiction Database:

01 Nov 2021, 13:02

Thanks a lot for info! I can say that I have a method to simplify the process of getting a college education - I always turn to top essay writing services who do my homework for me online. I always have an excellent result, my GPA has become higher and at the same time I have more free time

02 Nov 2021, 00:44

Happy to share, NaomiAdams. When I first stumbled on ifdb.org it was like finding out that magic is real. When I later found textadventures.co.uk it was like becoming a sorcerer's apprentice.

09 Nov 2021, 22:47

Good question, because right now I know as well what to do in free time :3