
Jay Nabonne
09 Jul 2016, 12:34

This isn't specifically IF, but it might be interesting to those who have either been using JavaScript or will be for projects. I have been looking at JavaScript frameworks, and I came across this one yesterday that I'm quite excited about trying. It's called "vue.js". The URL is here:

The current heavyweight contender for JS frameworks is AngularJS. An upcoming contender is something called "ReactJS". I've looked at both, but neither felt right to me. Angular is almost too heavyweight and complex for what I want to do. And ReactJS makes you use a strange templating language which is compiled. I haven't looked at backbone.js much, but that one seems it could have been another possibility.

What I like about vue.js is that it's all about managing the DOM side of things. It has a nice clean HTML-based way to hook into the DOM (as opposed to react), and it doesn't require tons of code to get simple things up and running (as opposed to angular).

There is a tutorial video here which I thought was well done and shows how quickly you can be up and running.

Just spreadin' the word, in case it's useful for anyone. :)