Help: (C++) LinkedListValue (using value to using super/parent: LinkedList(position) + Nodes) Data Structure (ADT)
02 Sept 2016, 21:39out first project is to use a LinkedListValue (by Value), which (those by values determination) will be translated/converted to using its super/parent LinkedList (by position, and using Nodes) for containing and traversing the data (3 Data Types: int, string, and custom: soundtrack, which is from a data file, having 6 categories: composer, title, label, catelog number, year recorded, and date cd released --- of X quantity of them: data/records)
I think I get vaguely the general idea of how to do it, but I'm totally new to implementing all of this stuff, especially together, so it's very OVER-whelming, and I'll be lucky if I can get all the syntax set up correctly just for the various compartmentalizations/parts of it (I've never learned even how to use iterators yet, nor how to set up and work with dictionaries --- in C++, I know of dictionaries thanks to quest --- but, I've no idea how to do so in C++ --- one of the things that I need to rush-learn, along with the iterators, sighs), on top of getting it set up correctly as a connected unit/project/code, lol.
I'm still a bit sketchy on trying to set up a DoubleNode (being able to traverse the LinkedList in both directions), on top of if I can even get a Node (one direction of traversal) set up and working with everything else, lol.
my understanding of the vague general idea/design/structure, is this:
compartmentalization/part 1/1A: (LinkedList + Node/DoubleNode) + compartmentalization/part 1/1B: Nodes/DoubleNodes: is the containment and connection for the data, and being able to act upon that data: (traverse and manipulate the data)
V ^
compartmentalization/part 2/2A: LinkedListValue: my own class that determines how to find/get/traverse+manipulate the data (determines what data/what to do, by value, and then transitions/converts from that using by value to using by position for its parent/super LinkedList to do the actual data traversal+manipulation)
V ^
compartmentalization/part 3/2B: getting the data from the input file (for the 'soundtrack' DataType) and organizing it in a way that my LinkedListValue (compartmentalization/part 2) can use, to translate that into by position so that the LinkedList+Node (compartmentalization/part 1) can use it.
compartmentalization/part 2/2A: LinkedListValue: my own class that determines how to find/get/traverse+manipulate the data (determines what data/what to do, by value, and then transitions/converts from that using by value to using by position for its parent/super LinkedList to do the actual data traversal+manipulation)
V ^
client/testing program/(has main)
is this generally the correct structure/design of what we need to do?
and here's what I've pieced together so far... I only got until this tues. (aug. 6) to get this project done (we had more time, but I'm way behind, as I didn't know about using iterators and/or dictionaries, until last class meeting, and am totally new to this too):
(as can be seen, I still got a ton of stuff to try to do... and then hope it'll all work... HAH... sighs)
(I'm still just working on the header files/data, haven't even gotten to working on the LinkedListValue class stuff yet nor the handling and organization/management of the input file's data)
TopicA: Interface
@file: TopicA.h
// linker redundency safeguard:
// libraries/references:
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include <iterator>
#include <stdexcept>
// headers/class prototypes:
template<class ItemType>
class ListInterface
virtual bool isEmpty() const = 0;
virtual int getLength() const = 0;
virtual bool insert(int newPosition, const ItemType& newEntry) = 0;
virtual bool remove(int position) = 0;
virtual void clear() = 0;
virtual ItemType getEntry(int position) const = 0;
virtual ItemType replace(int position, const ItemType& newEntry) = 0;
virtual ~ListInterface() {};
template<class ItemType>
class Node
ItemType item;
std::shared_ptr<Node<ItemType>> next;
Node(const ItemType& anItem);
Node(const ItemType& anItem, std::shared_ptr<Node<ItemType>> nextNodePtr);
void setItem(const ItemType& anItem);
void setNext(std::shared_ptr<Node<ItemType>> nextNodePtr);
ItemType getItem() const;
/*auto: needs to be changed, as can't use it, as it doesn't work for prof*/ getNext() const;
template<class ItemType>
class DoubleNode
ItemType item;
std::shared_ptr<Node<ItemType>> next;
std::weak_ptr<DoubleNode<ItemType>> previous;
DoubleNode(const ItemType& anItem);
DoubleNode(const ItemType& anItem, std::shared_ptr<DoubleNode<ItemType>> nextNodePtr, std::weak_ptr<DoubleNode<ItemType>> previousNodePtr);
void setItem(const ItemType& anItem);
void setNext(std::shared_ptr<DoubleNode<ItemType>> nextNodePtr);
void setPrevious(std::weak_ptr<DoubleNode<ItemType>> previousNodePtr);
ItemType getItem() const;
//auto: needs to be changed, as can't use it, as it doesn't work for prof// getNext() const;
//auto: needs to be changed, as can't use it, as it doesn't work for prof// getPrevious() const;
template<class ItemType>
class LinkedList : public ListInterface<ItemType>
std::shared_ptr<Node<ItemType>> headPtr;
int itemCount;
/*auto: needs to be changed, as can't use it, as it doesn't work for prof*/ getNodeAt(int position) const;
LinkedList(const LinkedList<ItemType>& aList);
virtual ~LinkedList();
bool isEmpty() const;
int getLength() const;
bool insert(int newPosition, const ItemType& newEntry);
bool remove(int position);
void clear();
ItemType getEntry(int position) const throw(PrecondViolatedExcept);
ItemType replace(int position, const ItemType& newEntry) throw(PrecondViolatedExcept);
LinkedIterator<ItemType> begin() const;
LinkedIterator<ItemType> end() const;
template<class ItemType>
class LinkedList;
template<class ItemType>
class LinkedIterator : public std::iterator<str::random_iterator_tag, int>
const std::shared_ptr<LinkedList<ItemType> containerPtr;
std::shared_ptr<Node<ItemType>> currentItemPtr;
LinkedIterator(std::shared_ptr<LinkedLIst<ItemType>> someList, std::shared_ptr<Node<ItemType>> nodePtr = nullptr);
const ItemType operator*();
const ItemType operator*(const ItemType& anEntry);
LinkedIterator<ItemType> operator++();
LinkedIterator<ItemType> operator--();
LinkedIterator<ItemType> operator+();
LinkedIterator<ItemType> operator-();
LinkedIterator<ItemType> operator+=();
LinkedIterator<ItemType> operator-=();
LinkedIterator<ItemType> operator<();
LinkedIterator<ItemType> operator<=();
LinkedIterator<ItemType> operator>();
LinkedIterator<ItemType> operator>=();
LinkedIterator<ItemType> operator[]();
// LinkedIterator<ItemType> operator=();
bool operator==(const LinkedIterator<ItemType>& rightHandSide) const;
bool operator!=(const LinkedIterator<ItemType>& rightHandSide) const;
class PrecondViolatedExcept : public std::exception
PrecondViolatedExcept(const std::string& message = "") : std::exception("Precondition violated: " + message)
// implementations/class definitions:
template<class ItemType>
template<class ItemType>
Node<ItemType>::Node(const ItemType& anItem) : item(anItem)
template<class ItemType>
Node<ItemType::Node(const ItemType& anItem, std::shared_ptr<Node<ItemType>> nextNodePtr) : item(anItem), next(nextNodePtr)
// (maybe) need to fix up still for smart/managed (shared) ptrs and auto
template<class ItemType>
Node<ItemType>* LinkedList<ItemType>::getNodeAt(int position) const
// for testing/debugging by programmers: this is only for use in case you've got the other methods that have (faulty) precondition checking/handling (pg 275-276, security note):
assert((position >= 1) && (position <= itemCount));
Node<ItemType>* curPtr = headPtr;
for(int skip = 1; skip < position; skip++)
curPtr = curPtr->getNext();
return curPtr;
template<class ItemType>
void Node<ItemType>::setItem(const ItemType& anItem)
item = anItem;
template<class ItemType>
void Node<ItemType>::setNext(std::shared_ptr<Node<ItemType>> nextNodePtr)
next = nextNodePtr;
template<class ItemType>
ItemType Node<ItemType>::getItem() const
return item;
template<class ItemType>
/*auto: needs to be changed, as can't use it, as it doesn't work for prof*/ Node<ItemType>::getNext() const
return next;
// (maybe) need to fix up still for smart/managed (shared) ptrs and auto
template<class ItemType>
LinkedList<ItemType>::LinkedList() : headptr(nullptr), itemCount(0)
// (maybe) need to fix up still for smart/managed (shared) ptrs and auto
template<class ItemType>
ItemType LinkedList<ItemType>::getEntry(int position) const throw(PrecondViolatedExcept)
bool ableToGet = (position >= 1) && (position <= itemCount);
Node<ItemType>* nodePtr = getNodeAt(position);
return nodePtr->getItem();
std:string message = "getEntry() called with an empty list or invlaid position.";
template<class ItemType>
LinkedList<ItemType>::insert(int newPosition, const ItemType& newEntry)
bool ableToInsert = (newPosition >= 1) && (newPosition <= itemCount + 1);
auto newNodePtr = std::make_shared<Node<ItemType>>(newEntry);
if(newPosition == 1)
headPtr = newNodePtr;
auto prePtr = getNodeAt(newPosition - 1);
return ableToInsert;
template<class ItemType>
bool LinkedList<ItemType>::remove(int position)
bool ableToRemove = (position >= 1) && (position <= itemCount);
if(position == 1)
headPtr = headPtr->getNext();
auto prevPtr = getNodeAt(position - 1);
auto curPtr = prevPtr->getNext();
return ableToRemove;
template<class ItemType>
void LinkedList<ItemType>::clear()
headPtr = nullptr;
itemCount = 0;
// (maybe) need to fix up still for smart/managed (shared) ptrs and auto
template<class ItemType>
// (maybe) need to fix up still for smart/managed (shared) ptrs and auto
// need to finish this up (pg 281, see linked-based implementations of ADT bag in ch 4 and the ADT stack in ch 7: their copy constructors are quite similar to what we need here)
template<class ItemType>
LinkedList<ItemType>::LinkedList(const LinkedList<ItemType>& aList) // Copy Constructor
// (maybe) need to fix up still for smart/managed (shared) ptrs and auto
// need to finish this up
template<class ItemType>
ItemType LinkedList<ItemType>::replace(int position, const ItemType& newEntry) throw(PrecondViolatedExcept)
ItemType tempNode = this->getNodeAt(position);
tempValue = tempNode.getItem();
return tempValue;
template<class ItemType>
LinkedIterator<ItemType> LinkedList<ItemType>::begin()
return LinkedIterator<ItemType>(this, headPtr);
template<class ItemType>
LinkedIterator<ItemType> LinkedList<ItemType>::end()
return LinkedIterator<ItemType>(this, nullptr);
// need to finish this up:
template<class ItemType>
LinkedIterator<ItemType>::LinkedIterator(std::shared_ptr<LinkedList<ItemType> someList, std::shared_ptr<Node<ItemType>> nodePtr) : containerPtr(someList), currentItemPtr(nodePtr)
template<class ItemType>
const ItemType LinkedInterior<ItemType>::operator*()
return currentItemPtr->getItem();
template<class ItemType>
const ItemType LinkedInterior<ItemType>::operator*(const ItemType& anEntry)
return currentItemPtr->setItem(anEntry);
template<class ItemType>
LinkedIterator<ItemType> LinkedIterator<ItemType>::operator++()
currentItemPtr = currentItemPtr->getNext();
return *this;
template<class ItemType>
LinkedIterator<ItemType> LinkedIterator<ItemType>::operator--()
currentItemPtr = currentItemPtr->getPrevious();
return *this;
template<class ItemType>
LinkedIterator<ItemType> LinkedIterator<ItemType>::operator+()
template<class ItemType>
LinkedIterator<ItemType> LinkedIterator<ItemType>::operator-()
template<class ItemType>
LinkedIterator<ItemType> LinkedIterator<ItemType>::operator+=()
template<class ItemType>
LinkedIterator<ItemType> LinkedIterator<ItemType>::operator-=()
template<class ItemType>
LinkedIterator<ItemType> LinkedIterator<ItemType>::operator<()
template<class ItemType>
LinkedIterator<ItemType> LinkedIterator<ItemType>::operator<=()
template<class ItemType>
LinkedIterator<ItemType> LinkedIterator<ItemType>::operator>()
template<class ItemType>
LinkedIterator<ItemType> LinkedIterator<ItemType>::operator>=()
template<class ItemType>
LinkedIterator<ItemType> LinkedIterator<ItemType>::operator[]()
template<class ItemType>
LinkedIterator<ItemType> LinkedIterator<ItemType>::operator=()
template<class ItemType>
bool LinkedIterator<ItemType>::operator==(const LinkedIterator<ItemType>& rightHandSide) const
return ((containerPtr == rightHandSide.containerPtr) && (currentItemPtr == rightHandSide.currentItemPtr));
template<class ItemType>
bool LinkedIterator<ItemType>::operator!=(const LinkedIterator<ItemType>& rightHandSide) const
return ((containerPtr != rightHandSide.containerPtr) || (currentItemPtr != rightHandSide.currentItemPtr));
class PrecondViolatedExcept : public std::exception
PrecondViolatedExcept(const std::string& message = "") : std::exception("Precondition violated: " + message)
// need to finish this up:
LinkedIterator<std::sring> currentIterator = myList.begin();
while(currentIterator != myList.end())
std::cout << *currentIterator << " ";
and here's the project information/specifications/requirements:
Topic A Project – Due Tuesday, 9/7
For this project you will create a derived class of LinkedList called LinkedListValue. As we discussed in class, the LinkedList class is position based in that the member functions use the position of data in the list in order to perform their operations. However, most operations are usually data based where the member functions use data values. LinkedListValue will use data based functions.
The functions in LinkedList work well and should not be discarded, with one exception. Therefore the LinkedListValue class will be data based but use the underlying LinkedList functions to perform the actual work. This means that data based values must be converted into position based values.
The LinkedList class functions cannot be modified except to add in C++ 11 items and make the functions more efficient where appropriate. The text identifies two methods (page 281) that are left for you to do. There is also a third method which should be written. You can add independent helper functions for the class if you need to.
The LinkedListValue class should prevent class clients from using the replace method of LinkedList (the exception mentioned above). Further, since LinkedList uses positions, another function is required in LinkedListValue in order to use data to find items in the list. This function must eventually use a LinkedList class function to access the list.
The client uses three different data types with the classes. For the first two you can see what the data is and what do to with it when you run TopicA.exe. The final data type is the class soundtrack. The class consists of the following data:
• Composer
• Title
• Label
• Catalog number
• Date Recorded
• Date CD released
It will be up to you to create the input file for the soundtrack data. I strongly suggest making it as easy as possible for your program to read the data. Call the input file
Topic A Soundtrack List.txt.
Here is the data for you to use:
Composer Title Label Catalog Number Year Recorded Year Released
Bernard Herrmann The Egyptian Varese Sarabande VCL 1211 1128 9 1954 2011
Georges Delerue King of Hearts Varese Sarabande SBS 2017 1966 2004
Dimitri Tiomkin The Alamo Prometheus XPCD 168 11/09 2010
Akira Ifukube Godzilla La-La Land LLLCD 1022 1954 2004
John Barry The Lion in Winter Legacy CK66133 8/68 1995
Miklos Rozsa Ben-Hur FSM V15N1 1959 2012
Bronislau Kaper Lord Jim FSM V8N11 12/64 2005
Elmer Bernstein Hawaii Varese Sarabande VCL 04031017 6/66 2003
Jerry Fielding The Wild Bunch FSM V16N1 1969 2013
John Barry From Russia With Love EMI 72435-80588-2-6 3/63 2003
Bernard Herrmann The Ghost and Mrs. Muir Varese Sarabande VCD 47254 1947 1985
Howard Shore The Fellowship of the Ring Reprise 49454-2 2001 2005
Erich Wolfgang Korngold The Adventures of Robin Hood Marco Polo 8.225268 2/03 2003
Maurice Jarre The Train FSM V10N8 1964 2007
Elmer Bernstein Birdman of Alcatraz Varese Sarabande VCL 11061054 1962 2006
Bernard Herrmann The 7th Voyage of Sinbad Prometheus XPCD 166 1958 2009
Elmer Bernstein To Kill a Mockingbird Intrada 262 1963 2014
Miklos Rozsa Moonfleet FSM V6N20 1/55 2004
William Walton Henry V Chandos CHAN 8892 5/90 1990
Franz Waxman The Nun's Story Stanyan STZ-114 1958 1991
Elmer Bernstein The Magnificent Seven Ryko RCD 10741 1960 1998
Maurice Jarre Lawrence of Arabia tadlow music: TADLOW012 3/10 2010
Dimitri Tiomkin The Guns of Navarone Varese Sarabande VSD-5236 1961 1989
Elmer Bernstein Cast A Giant Shadow Varese Sarabande VCL 05021008 1966 2002
Alex North The Shoes of the Fisherman FSM V7N6 9/68 2004
Elmer Bernstein Summer and Smoke RCA 74321720592 11/62 1999
Bernard Herrmann Psycho Varese Sarabande VSD-5765 9/96 1997
Miklos Rozsa El Cid FSM Box 04 Disc 13 10/61 2010
Elmer Bernstein The Great Escape Intrada MAF 7112 1963 2011
Bronislau Kaper Mutiny on the Bounty FSM V7N16 1962 2004
Patrick Doyle Much Ado About Nothing Epic EX 54009 3/93 1993
The following are NOT equivalent, for example:
• “FSM”
• “FSM “
Notice the trailing blanks in the second example. Your data cannot contain any trailing blanks. In order to get around this, you can reformat the file.
Here are some other items:
• Use the following in TopicA.cpp if Visual Studio has warnings about the throw statements in the function headers: #pragma warning( disable: 4290 )
• Remember the Rule of Three regarding the functions that a class with dynamic data should have.
• Remember which function should always be first in the client file.
• Think about what pieces of main would work well as functions.
• Put all the code for the class templates in the class header file rather than using separate header and implementation files.
• When using inherited items in a class template derived from a class template, you should explicitly indicate that those are items inherited from the base class. This means either using this->inheritedItem or using the colon operator as in BaseClass<T>::inheritedItem. This is because the C++ standard states that on the first compiler pass the compiler has not done any instantiations of the base class template and does not, therefore, have the appropriate class available. Visual Studio seems to handle this situation without any qualification while Xcode complains.
• Update the code for C++ 11 items such as auto, uniform initialization, and smart pointers. See C++ Interlude 4. Generally, auto as a function return (which is really from C++ 14) does not work correctly on my Visual Studio. Please do not use auto as a function return.
• Performing comparisons with soundtrack data will require some thinking. For example, it should not be necessary to completely populate a soundtrack object in order to match just on title. Stretch your ingenuity. Give it a workout.
• Overload << in the linked list class.
• Get rid of assert.
• Be sure to appropriately use const and &.
• Call the client file TopicA.cpp. Be sure to hand in your input file as well. Specify in your program status if your program was compiled and run under Visual Studio or Xcode.
and here's the output from the professor's program run:
Create int LinkedListValue llv1 using default constructor
Insert items into llv1
Display llv1:
There are 6 values in the list:
Create Linked List ll1 which is a copy of llv1
Display ll1:
There are 6 values in the list:
Change the fifth value of ll1 to 2015
Change the tenth value of ll1 to 2016
Precondition Violated Exception: setEntry() called with an empty list or invalid position.
Display ll1:
There are 6 values in the list:
Create LinkedListValue llv2 which is a copy of llv1
Display llv2:
There are 6 values in the list:
Remove 63 from llv2
63 was removed from llv2
Attempt to remove 63 from llv2 again
63 was NOT removed from llv2
Display llv2:
There are 5 values in the list:
Create LinkedListValue llv3 from llv2
Display llv3:
There are 5 values in the list:
Assign llv3 the values from llv1
Display llv3:
There are 6 values in the list:
Assign ll1 the values from llv3
Display ll1:
There are 6 values in the list:
Create string LinkedListValue llv4 using default constructor
Insert items into llv4
Display llv4:
There are 6 values in the list:
(redacted: my school class ID)
(redacted: my school class ID)
(redacted: my school class ID)
Data Structures
Create llv5 from llv4
Display llv5:
There are 6 values in the list:
(redacted: my school class ID)
(redacted: my school class ID)
(redacted: my school class ID)
Data Structures
Delete "Data" from llv5
"Data" NOT deleted from llv5
Delete "Data Structures" from llv5
"Data Structures" deleted from llv5
Display llv5:
There are 5 values in the list:
(redacted: my school class ID)
(redacted: my school class ID)
(redacted: my school class ID)
Assign llv5 to llv4
Display llv4:
There are 5 values in the list:
(redacted: my school class ID)
(redacted: my school class ID)
(redacted: my school class ID)
Create soundtrack LinkedListValue llv6
Insert values from file
Display llv6:
There are 31 values in the list:
Bernard Herrmann The Egyptian Varese Sarabande VCL 1211 1128 9 1954 2011
Georges Delerue King of Hearts Varese Sarabande SBS 2017 1966 2004
Dimitri Tiomkin The Alamo Prometheus XPCD 168 11/09 2010
Akira Ifukube Godzilla La-La Land LLLCD 1022 1954 2004
John Barry The Lion in Winter Legacy CK66133 8/68 1995
Miklos Rozsa Ben-Hur FSM V15N1 1959 2012
Bronislau Kaper Lord Jim FSM V8N11 12/64 2005
Elmer Bernstein Hawaii Varese Sarabande VCL 04031017 6/66 2003
Jerry Fielding The Wild Bunch FSM V16N1 1969 2013
John Barry From Russia With Love EMI 72435-80588-2-6 3/63 2003
Bernard Herrmann The Ghost and Mrs. Muir Varese Sarabande VCD 47254 1947 1985
Howard Shore The Fellowship of the Ring Reprise 49454-2 2001 2005
Erich Wolfgang Korngold The Adventures of Robin Hood Marco Polo 8.225268 2/03 2003
Maurice Jarre The Train FSM V10N8 1964 2007
Elmer Bernstein Birdman of Alcatraz Varese Sarabande VCL 11061054 1962 2006
Bernard Herrmann The 7th Voyage of Sinbad Prometheus XPCD 166 1958 2009
Elmer Bernstein To Kill a Mockingbird Intrada 262 1963 2014
Miklos Rozsa Moonfleet FSM V6N20 1/55 2004
William Walton Henry V Chandos CHAN 8892 5/90 1990
Franz Waxman The Nun's Story Stanyan STZ-114 1958 1991
Elmer Bernstein The Magnificent Seven Ryko RCD 10741 1960 1998
Maurice Jarre Lawrence of Arabia tadlow music: TADLOW012 3/10 2010
Dimitri Tiomkin The Guns of Navarone Varese Sarabande VSD-5236 1961 1989
Elmer Bernstein Cast A Giant Shadow Varese Sarabande VCL 05021008 1966 2002
Alex North The Shoes of the Fisherman FSM V7N6 9/68 2004
Elmer Bernstein Summer and Smoke RCA 74321720592 11/62 1999
Bernard Herrmann Psycho Varese Sarabande VSD-5765 9/96 1997
Miklos Rozsa El Cid FSM Box 04 Disc 13 10/61 2010
Elmer Bernstein The Great Escape Intrada MAF 7112 1963 2011
Bronislau Kaper Mutiny on the Bounty FSM V7N16 1962 2004
Patrick Doyle Much Ado About Nothing Epic EX 54009 3/93 1993
Create a new POINTER to a LinkedListValue pllv7, a copy of llv6
Display llv7
There are 31 values in the list:
Bernard Herrmann The Egyptian Varese Sarabande VCL 1211 1128 9 1954 2011
Georges Delerue King of Hearts Varese Sarabande SBS 2017 1966 2004
Dimitri Tiomkin The Alamo Prometheus XPCD 168 11/09 2010
Akira Ifukube Godzilla La-La Land LLLCD 1022 1954 2004
John Barry The Lion in Winter Legacy CK66133 8/68 1995
Miklos Rozsa Ben-Hur FSM V15N1 1959 2012
Bronislau Kaper Lord Jim FSM V8N11 12/64 2005
Elmer Bernstein Hawaii Varese Sarabande VCL 04031017 6/66 2003
Jerry Fielding The Wild Bunch FSM V16N1 1969 2013
John Barry From Russia With Love EMI 72435-80588-2-6 3/63 2003
Bernard Herrmann The Ghost and Mrs. Muir Varese Sarabande VCD 47254 1947 1985
Howard Shore The Fellowship of the Ring Reprise 49454-2 2001 2005
Erich Wolfgang Korngold The Adventures of Robin Hood Marco Polo 8.225268 2/03 2003
Maurice Jarre The Train FSM V10N8 1964 2007
Elmer Bernstein Birdman of Alcatraz Varese Sarabande VCL 11061054 1962 2006
Bernard Herrmann The 7th Voyage of Sinbad Prometheus XPCD 166 1958 2009
Elmer Bernstein To Kill a Mockingbird Intrada 262 1963 2014
Miklos Rozsa Moonfleet FSM V6N20 1/55 2004
William Walton Henry V Chandos CHAN 8892 5/90 1990
Franz Waxman The Nun's Story Stanyan STZ-114 1958 1991
Elmer Bernstein The Magnificent Seven Ryko RCD 10741 1960 1998
Maurice Jarre Lawrence of Arabia tadlow music: TADLOW012 3/10 2010
Dimitri Tiomkin The Guns of Navarone Varese Sarabande VSD-5236 1961 1989
Elmer Bernstein Cast A Giant Shadow Varese Sarabande VCL 05021008 1966 2002
Alex North The Shoes of the Fisherman FSM V7N6 9/68 2004
Elmer Bernstein Summer and Smoke RCA 74321720592 11/62 1999
Bernard Herrmann Psycho Varese Sarabande VSD-5765 9/96 1997
Miklos Rozsa El Cid FSM Box 04 Disc 13 10/61 2010
Elmer Bernstein The Great Escape Intrada MAF 7112 1963 2011
Bronislau Kaper Mutiny on the Bounty FSM V7N16 1962 2004
Patrick Doyle Much Ado About Nothing Epic EX 54009 3/93 1993
Delete "Henry V" from pllv7
"Henry V" removed from pllv7
Display pllv7
There are 30 values in the list:
Bernard Herrmann The Egyptian Varese Sarabande VCL 1211 1128 9 1954 2011
Georges Delerue King of Hearts Varese Sarabande SBS 2017 1966 2004
Dimitri Tiomkin The Alamo Prometheus XPCD 168 11/09 2010
Akira Ifukube Godzilla La-La Land LLLCD 1022 1954 2004
John Barry The Lion in Winter Legacy CK66133 8/68 1995
Miklos Rozsa Ben-Hur FSM V15N1 1959 2012
Bronislau Kaper Lord Jim FSM V8N11 12/64 2005
Elmer Bernstein Hawaii Varese Sarabande VCL 04031017 6/66 2003
Jerry Fielding The Wild Bunch FSM V16N1 1969 2013
John Barry From Russia With Love EMI 72435-80588-2-6 3/63 2003
Bernard Herrmann The Ghost and Mrs. Muir Varese Sarabande VCD 47254 1947 1985
Howard Shore The Fellowship of the Ring Reprise 49454-2 2001 2005
Erich Wolfgang Korngold The Adventures of Robin Hood Marco Polo 8.225268 2/03 2003
Maurice Jarre The Train FSM V10N8 1964 2007
Elmer Bernstein Birdman of Alcatraz Varese Sarabande VCL 11061054 1962 2006
Bernard Herrmann The 7th Voyage of Sinbad Prometheus XPCD 166 1958 2009
Elmer Bernstein To Kill a Mockingbird Intrada 262 1963 2014
Miklos Rozsa Moonfleet FSM V6N20 1/55 2004
Franz Waxman The Nun's Story Stanyan STZ-114 1958 1991
Elmer Bernstein The Magnificent Seven Ryko RCD 10741 1960 1998
Maurice Jarre Lawrence of Arabia tadlow music: TADLOW012 3/10 2010
Dimitri Tiomkin The Guns of Navarone Varese Sarabande VSD-5236 1961 1989
Elmer Bernstein Cast A Giant Shadow Varese Sarabande VCL 05021008 1966 2002
Alex North The Shoes of the Fisherman FSM V7N6 9/68 2004
Elmer Bernstein Summer and Smoke RCA 74321720592 11/62 1999
Bernard Herrmann Psycho Varese Sarabande VSD-5765 9/96 1997
Miklos Rozsa El Cid FSM Box 04 Disc 13 10/61 2010
Elmer Bernstein The Great Escape Intrada MAF 7112 1963 2011
Bronislau Kaper Mutiny on the Bounty FSM V7N16 1962 2004
Patrick Doyle Much Ado About Nothing Epic EX 54009 3/93 1993
Delete "Henry V" AGAIN from pllv7
"Henry V" NOT removed from pllv7
Display pllv7
There are 30 values in the list:
Bernard Herrmann The Egyptian Varese Sarabande VCL 1211 1128 9 1954 2011
Georges Delerue King of Hearts Varese Sarabande SBS 2017 1966 2004
Dimitri Tiomkin The Alamo Prometheus XPCD 168 11/09 2010
Akira Ifukube Godzilla La-La Land LLLCD 1022 1954 2004
John Barry The Lion in Winter Legacy CK66133 8/68 1995
Miklos Rozsa Ben-Hur FSM V15N1 1959 2012
Bronislau Kaper Lord Jim FSM V8N11 12/64 2005
Elmer Bernstein Hawaii Varese Sarabande VCL 04031017 6/66 2003
Jerry Fielding The Wild Bunch FSM V16N1 1969 2013
John Barry From Russia With Love EMI 72435-80588-2-6 3/63 2003
Bernard Herrmann The Ghost and Mrs. Muir Varese Sarabande VCD 47254 1947 1985
Howard Shore The Fellowship of the Ring Reprise 49454-2 2001 2005
Erich Wolfgang Korngold The Adventures of Robin Hood Marco Polo 8.225268 2/03 2003
Maurice Jarre The Train FSM V10N8 1964 2007
Elmer Bernstein Birdman of Alcatraz Varese Sarabande VCL 11061054 1962 2006
Bernard Herrmann The 7th Voyage of Sinbad Prometheus XPCD 166 1958 2009
Elmer Bernstein To Kill a Mockingbird Intrada 262 1963 2014
Miklos Rozsa Moonfleet FSM V6N20 1/55 2004
Franz Waxman The Nun's Story Stanyan STZ-114 1958 1991
Elmer Bernstein The Magnificent Seven Ryko RCD 10741 1960 1998
Maurice Jarre Lawrence of Arabia tadlow music: TADLOW012 3/10 2010
Dimitri Tiomkin The Guns of Navarone Varese Sarabande VSD-5236 1961 1989
Elmer Bernstein Cast A Giant Shadow Varese Sarabande VCL 05021008 1966 2002
Alex North The Shoes of the Fisherman FSM V7N6 9/68 2004
Elmer Bernstein Summer and Smoke RCA 74321720592 11/62 1999
Bernard Herrmann Psycho Varese Sarabande VSD-5765 9/96 1997
Miklos Rozsa El Cid FSM Box 04 Disc 13 10/61 2010
Elmer Bernstein The Great Escape Intrada MAF 7112 1963 2011
Bronislau Kaper Mutiny on the Bounty FSM V7N16 1962 2004
Patrick Doyle Much Ado About Nothing Epic EX 54009 3/93 1993
Assign pllv7 to llv6
Display llv6:
There are 30 values in the list:
Bernard Herrmann The Egyptian Varese Sarabande VCL 1211 1128 9 1954 2011
Georges Delerue King of Hearts Varese Sarabande SBS 2017 1966 2004
Dimitri Tiomkin The Alamo Prometheus XPCD 168 11/09 2010
Akira Ifukube Godzilla La-La Land LLLCD 1022 1954 2004
John Barry The Lion in Winter Legacy CK66133 8/68 1995
Miklos Rozsa Ben-Hur FSM V15N1 1959 2012
Bronislau Kaper Lord Jim FSM V8N11 12/64 2005
Elmer Bernstein Hawaii Varese Sarabande VCL 04031017 6/66 2003
Jerry Fielding The Wild Bunch FSM V16N1 1969 2013
John Barry From Russia With Love EMI 72435-80588-2-6 3/63 2003
Bernard Herrmann The Ghost and Mrs. Muir Varese Sarabande VCD 47254 1947 1985
Howard Shore The Fellowship of the Ring Reprise 49454-2 2001 2005
Erich Wolfgang Korngold The Adventures of Robin Hood Marco Polo 8.225268 2/03 2003
Maurice Jarre The Train FSM V10N8 1964 2007
Elmer Bernstein Birdman of Alcatraz Varese Sarabande VCL 11061054 1962 2006
Bernard Herrmann The 7th Voyage of Sinbad Prometheus XPCD 166 1958 2009
Elmer Bernstein To Kill a Mockingbird Intrada 262 1963 2014
Miklos Rozsa Moonfleet FSM V6N20 1/55 2004
Franz Waxman The Nun's Story Stanyan STZ-114 1958 1991
Elmer Bernstein The Magnificent Seven Ryko RCD 10741 1960 1998
Maurice Jarre Lawrence of Arabia tadlow music: TADLOW012 3/10 2010
Dimitri Tiomkin The Guns of Navarone Varese Sarabande VSD-5236 1961 1989
Elmer Bernstein Cast A Giant Shadow Varese Sarabande VCL 05021008 1966 2002
Alex North The Shoes of the Fisherman FSM V7N6 9/68 2004
Elmer Bernstein Summer and Smoke RCA 74321720592 11/62 1999
Bernard Herrmann Psycho Varese Sarabande VSD-5765 9/96 1997
Miklos Rozsa El Cid FSM Box 04 Disc 13 10/61 2010
Elmer Bernstein The Great Escape Intrada MAF 7112 1963 2011
Bronislau Kaper Mutiny on the Bounty FSM V7N16 1962 2004
Patrick Doyle Much Ado About Nothing Epic EX 54009 3/93 1993
Find the soundtrack recorded in 1947 in pllv7
The soundtrack recorded in 1947 is in position 11 and is the following:
Bernard Herrmann The Ghost and Mrs. Muir Varese Sarabande VCD 47254 1947 1985
Program Ending Successfully
Press Enter to end
Alex Warren
03 Sept 2016, 07:58Please stop spamming the other forums and bumping this. It's not likely you will get help with this here.
03 Sept 2016, 08:26Jay was very courteous/gratious-enough, helping me with my last class (which I was soooo thankful for):
so, trying my luck again here... always worth a shot/try... at least.
I was hoping to get some help again for this new programming class I'm taking, I'd just pm Jay and Pixie and see/ask if they would be willing to help, if they be willing, know this programming, and/or had the time, but there's currently no pm feature available, so I've been bumping in hopes that they would see the thread, and let me know, if they would/can or can't/won't. I've got a deadline, and any help I can get would be greatly appreciative. I'll stop the bump spamming. If they're not aware of the thread, could you let them know (or anyone else who would be interested in helping) about it. I'm just trying to get/find any help with this, as it's all new to me, and am/was desperate to find any help I could on my school programming project as I need/needed it, so sorry about the bumping and etc, sighs.
The Pixie
03 Sept 2016, 15:27Don't look at me, I don't know any C++.
03 Sept 2016, 17:54no problem, thanks for letting me know. I guess I'm stuck with seeing if Jay will help me again, I don't like it, as he already had helped me so much with Assembly, but I'm stuck again, trying to learn something new in a short time and thus am desperate again for help, sighs. Programming is hard... at least/especially, if you don't already know how to do it, lol
(my apologies, I thought that you knew C++)
What, programming/scripting languages/whatever-other-coding-stuff, do you know Pixie? (just so I'll know from now on / in the future)
Jay Nabonne
09 Sept 2016, 12:01I just saw this. I can take a look when I get home. You can always feel free to email me as well, since the PM stuff has gone away, and since I'm off working on a different castle in the clouds these days.
Jay Nabonne
09 Sept 2016, 17:46Ok, I just saw that you had until Aug. 6. Sorry I didn't catch it sooner!
09 Sept 2016, 19:53Thank you for the reply Jay, really appreciate how helpful you've been for me (and for everyone too on the site/with quest)!
Np, and it's alright, I was just desperate again, having trouble with understanding the project (I really didn't like/understood why once we found, via traverse/iterate/hop, the item by value comparison, to then find, via traverse/iterate/hop, to the item again using by position -- so, I was struck in trying to figure out how to do it without having to do an un-needed re-traversal with the by position/value, when we can just use a pointer to access it right then already, why get back to where we're already at in the chain?, just as the 'by position' functions were doing anyways. Maybe, it has something to do with keeping/preserving the 'walls / compartmentalization', though doesn't the classes do all of that for us, meh. Also, I wasn't sure how to go about the 'soundtrack' data type, in how to set it up either due too spending too much time on trying to just understand the syntax and how the nodes and etc worked, and mistakenly looking into iterators which we weren't to use so early with this first project - I thought the iterators were tied with the overloading - we were suppose to overload, but not with using iterators), sighs. We've got the code from the prof., so I should be able to understand it on my own from studying it. As I tried to work on it, I just kept getting myself more confused and overthinking it (and annoyed as I've been working on it every day too), I guess I just got really unlucky with a 'writer's block' with programming, sighs. I really want to try to do these on my own (able to do most projects on own), but I was really having a hard time with this one, on top of the 3 months of summer, causing me to forget everything... I've only had winter break (1 month) priorly, as I've just started the programming classes only 2/3 symesters ago, and the 1 month off didn't cause any issues, but this 3 months of summer did. I'm just frustrated/disappointed, with myself, and was getting desperate, sighs.
I figured you were probably gone/busy, so no worries. I was just hoping I could find/get someone before the due date, it was worth a shot, as I wasn't making any progress on my own. I was too lazy during the summer, and was caught unprepared for when school started back up, with this programming assignment. I'm really going to try to do these projects on my own, and try to not get desperate posting for help. I really need to get these projects figured out on my own. Just upset at self with this lousy start in the class.
Regardless of how I do, this class is going to be really great, as I'll be finally learning this stuff, which I've been wanting to learn since I learned to program from quest. Finally, I'm learning about organization/design (Data Structures/Management). If it takes me more attempts, not much I can do about it. Just got to keep learning, until I know the stuff really well.
Also, I'm trying to look into finding help, but it's not easy to find help with programming, and even if can find someone, may not be able to afford it.