I'm really in the mood...
01 Oct 2017, 14:35...for a fresh, new game with innovative ideas and clever interface. Any good ones on the way? Like, seriously... a day or two tops away?
..because I have ants in my pants.
01 Oct 2017, 20:07Can I get my review now?
01 Oct 2017, 21:17jmn... check your mail.
02 Oct 2017, 00:29Hey, Xan!
I heard there was something 'not quite unlike a game' in the works, and I heard that that quasi-game might just be dropping in a day or three.
That's all conjecture, though, mind you.
Hey, DL...
Have you heard anything about any new games which are close to dropping?
02 Oct 2017, 13:41Hello all (I just joined). I am curious what one would consider a clever interface.
02 Oct 2017, 16:19You are on a forum.
You can see a text-input field and KV.
"Hello! Pleasure to meet you," says KV. "Please expound. What are our choices? Do you mean like a gamebook compared to a text adventure? Panes or no panes? Parser or hyperlink?"
[You must SUBMIT to proceed!]
02 Oct 2017, 16:26I think he's just talking about text adventures in general, but oh well...
02 Oct 2017, 17:29^.^ thank you, K.V. I see what you did there.
I am thinking, if that is considered a clever interface, the games on here must be left wanting, indeed.
I would like to attempt to feed the need for a good game, are there any requests for specific genre, theme, location; or do most people prefer "Surprise me!"
02 Oct 2017, 18:45Most people just want a good game. Genre, TA, Gamebook doesn't really matter to me. I do heavily prefer TAs, though some Gamebooks have caught my attention. What really matters is a proper story. A clever puzzle. An interest to continue playing. Story, story, story that I feel I am contributing to because I am a part of it.
As I've said to those who have wondered the same thing as you, Amochure... write what you want. If you don't, it won't be worth the paper parchment computer screen it's written typed on. =) Also, have you been watching 'A Knight's Tale' perchance? "Weighed, measured, and been left wanting. God save you if it is right that he should do so."
@ K.V. - Are beta-testers needed for this mysterious game of which you elusively speak??
If so, I'll sign up.
02 Oct 2017, 19:57I am thinking, if that is considered a clever interface, the games on here must be left wanting, indeed.
Oh, that wasn't a clever game interface. That was just a forum post, you see...
That didn't offend you; did it? Now that I think about it, I guess it could have been taken as a sign that I didn't really want you to reply? That was not my intention. (You couldn't have submitted anything via that input field anyway, you see. So I added that last bit as a sort of joke.)
Sorry about that.
02 Oct 2017, 20:35haha @ XanMag,
It has been a while since I've seen that movie. You have a keen memory ^.^
02 Oct 2017, 20:38Hey K.V., I was not offended at all. Your post was amusing XD
I am excited to learn from you all and hopefully provide some pleasing content. Right now I am building a 10x10 surface map to be used in future stories.
02 Oct 2017, 20:45Do most people not like the hypertext for objects? I've read a few stories and none of them use the clickable hypertext.
02 Oct 2017, 23:27Hey K.V., I was not offended at all.
Your post was amusing XD
You're just pandering now.
I am excited to learn from you all and hopefully provide some pleasing content.
Same here!
Right now I am building a 10x10 surface map to be used in future stories.
Do most people not like the hypertext for objects?
We're just too lazy to:
A. Remove unwanted verbs from the list
B. Add wanted verbs onto the list
@ XanMag You have a keen memory
Not really...
He has the roles reversed.
03 Oct 2017, 00:48You're just pandering now.
Nope, I really am easily amused as easily as that.
K.V., and XanMag are quite the characters. I ought to write a story about you two.
We could call it "A Comedy of Errors" ^_^
03 Oct 2017, 00:50- I ought to write a story about you two.
Been done. Right?
03 Oct 2017, 03:03I was just kidding about the pandering, Amochure. ( I forget no one can see or hear me laughing when I post things sometimes, and I'm old. It hurts me when I type 'lol'. (lol))
A story with XanMag and me?
Yeah... I've heard tale of such a thing. It involves a few other people, too...
Who'd want to play something like that, though???
Quest Forum Questers
03 Oct 2017, 04:22See Game Announcements Forum, please.
04 Oct 2017, 18:01A Knight's Tale was a very good movie !!!
And it's sad that Monty Python has almost disappeared from human knowledge... sighs. Lots of good stuff ends up forgotten and lost, really sad.
Before there was the 'Princess Diaries', there was Monty Python. (Even the 'Princess Diaries' is becoming lost/forgotten too, sighs)
modern (well now not so much now as it's: ~ 10 years later, lol) Monty Python's 'tis but a flesh wound' scene:
(warning: violence/gore/blood/body-severing)
Claymore anime (episode 12, out of 26 total) ---- really good anime (and the manga is epic, the anime series only does the first ~ 1/3 to 1/4, of the entire manga story/plot)
(spoiler warning, as if you've not seen/read Claymore anime/manga, this is episode 12, so obviously is spoiler'ing)
ht.tps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JF4W_wwv-Y4 (06:00 to 11:00 is the entire scene, and ~ 11:00 is Raki's 'tis but a flesh wound' line, hehe)
(remove the dot/period from the ht.tps for it to work in the url)