Hi it's Marzipan

03 Mar 2017, 13:01

I put my name in the title so anyone who cared would actually know who was posting.

Just checking in on the site after a long hiatus. I've spent several months writing short fiction and learning about structure and pacing and actually finishing projects and all that fun stuff. Working on a CYOA for another site with plans for a few more so I'm not sure when I'll actually get back to my poor languishing IF projects.

Seems like a lot has changed behind the scenes here, anyone want to give me the short version of what that means for the site or any major changes planned?

Anyhow, miss you guys. I'll keep dropping in now and again but TBH I'm not sure if I'll ever be very active in the community again. The forum change kind of killed things for me there in removing any way to talk to other authors. I was sort of crossing my fingers and hoping theyd been reverted back in my absence, but no such luck.

I'm not even seeing any way to see when the members I was most interested in checking in on have last been online. But, just hoping for the best and that a few might still be around.

03 Mar 2017, 18:27

Heya! It's Anonynn. Good to see you back. Here's the gist of everything in this forum...

Alex is gone. He gave Quest to Jay and Pixie. I believe Manowar is the new forum moderator, maybe you should talk to him about making the private messages and such return :)



03 Mar 2017, 20:25

Yo, Marzipan!

Glad to see you drop in! I think forum changes will happen. It seems to be one of the more "front burner" suggestions. Then again I don't really know what's on their plates!

Don't be a stranger.

I'm still waiting on your first TA ;)

04 Mar 2017, 02:12

Hey Xan, Anon! Yeah I'd seen the blog update, just wasn't sure what/if any major changes were planned for the site itself, beyond changing hands.

And LOL, I'm still waiting on my first TA too :( I think getting a lot stricter with myself about planning and outlining more manageable plots and just /cranking out words/ in a consistent manner will pay off in the long run, though, once I do switch back to writing IF. My planned CYOA projects right now are going to wind up in the neighborhood of 180k words as a combined total, so I figure if I can pull that off I can do anything.

Anyhow, I'm going to have to go and browse the site this weekend. Any recommendations for major new games I've missed?

e: Even if I'm not actively writing an IF game right now I still love chatting about game design and the like. Not sure what this site's policy is on linking to others, but if anyone wants to talk to me on chooseyourstory.com I go by Mizal, and I log in there a lot more consistently than anywhere else on the internet right now. There's no email confirmation so it's quick to register and we can share one of those old timey 'PM' things.

04 Mar 2017, 23:49

Robin Johnson has ported some games over, but you have likely seen those?

Other than that, nothing new and earth shattering since you last checked in.

My third Xanadu game is getting closer. I forgot how time consuming it is to do these things and with each one I get to be a little more of a perfectionist... which makes the process even longer! I will probably release it for a beta-test session after the first third is done with. The first third is a a traditional game, the second third is going to be more of a combat style TA, and the final third will be a combo.

05 Mar 2017, 03:02

Hit me up when you need a beta tester, though I've come to the sad realization that no matter how many years I've played these games, I'm still REALLY bad at solving puzzles...

Oh and I got your PM. Sorry it was such a quick response, I was online at the time but dealing with an escaped bird and on my phone joining in on a slapfight with a troll all at the same time, lol.

09 Mar 2017, 13:31

I'm going to be wrapping up my current CYOA project within the week, I'm thinking of switching to a small (very small!) IF project afterwards just as a palate cleanser.

I'll probably wind up using this thread as a place to ask questions from. Opened up Quest last night for the first time in a long time and my IFing skills have gotten a little rusty...

09 Mar 2017, 17:35

I've reappeared after a long haiutus also.
That was some drinking binge...
On the plus side my modding powers have increased in my absence.
Do all Inkle games automatically publish here? Actually I can tell if games are crap without even having to read them. I start to read if it looks like it's in danger of having had some effort put into it. Then I tend to be a bit more forgiving.

Jumped back into my old project. It's more progressed than I remember. I think I burnt out previously by problems existing in my own imagination.

09 Mar 2017, 17:40

Oh there appears to be a new categorie called 'work in progress'. Anyone care to fill me in?

Is this where people Beta test or for all those part 1 games or sort of a halfway house between the dirge in the sandpit and finished games?

10 Mar 2017, 00:02

Welcome back, Silver.

There was a change in publication procedure that auto-placed certain games. If the author chose it as a WIP, the game was automatically moved there (I think that's how it works) so mods didn't have to wager through a bunch of unfinished sludge. There used to be 100+ games waiting to be placed but now it rarely gets near 20. Good change!

10 Mar 2017, 00:21

Hey Silver! Awesome, let's gather everybody together. :D

Yes, the game descriptions are a dead giveaway, usually. Though the WIP section is a good one, I remember Alex had been talking about a way to get people to voluntarily sandpit their games to take the load off the mods. This seems like a good compromise.

Anyway I opened the Quest developer a few minutes ago and I'm crying inside because I used to have tons of example code snippets and links to useful threads I'd saved...by PMing them to myself. LOL. Why'd you have to hurt me, Alex? :(

10 Mar 2017, 01:09

I've got a laundry list of code snippets and sample games that you can have anytime.
I also have a saved list of useful threads that I can give if you want as well.
Found this. Testing it out:

12 Mar 2017, 21:41

Having a browse through those now, thanks a bunch!

12 Mar 2017, 22:25

ya, cool to have you guys/girls back, Marzipan and Silver, good to see you two again!

15 Mar 2017, 21:07

You left again? :-(

17 Mar 2017, 15:05

Proper quiet on here nowadays! XD

17 Mar 2017, 15:50

Don't worry I logged in again. Out of pity.

How are you guys doing today?! :) :) :)

(I'm out of data which is good for productivity, bad for my internet social life...)

I did start creation of a little village and surrounding environs earlier this week, that I could theoretically attach some sort of plot to. Which is a bass awkward way of making a game but whatever.

17 Mar 2017, 17:02

I really should work on my game today but decided to go to the pub instead. There's always tomorrow but I have arrangements to meet someone which will inevitably lead to the pub again. :D

17 Mar 2017, 21:34

Pub always interferes with things I should and do want to do. Funny how that keeps happening... :)


19 Mar 2017, 16:18

Good news everyone! I found a file containing most of my old Faerie game. Somehow it survived the purge.

Bad news: looking at the process I was using for flavor text and some other things is now like trying to read a foreign language. I'll have to try and dig up the old thread where Pixie or whoever explained it all.

19 Mar 2017, 16:26

Was it using the text processor?


19 Mar 2017, 20:39

No, it was using a timer to grab and display random lines of flavor text every so many seconds when certain conditions were met. I've been able to duplicate it now.

19 Mar 2017, 21:09

Ah yes, I remember the exact discussion now.

19 Mar 2017, 22:25

And can't for the life of me find it.

I found this though which was related
